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How to install Icinga2 on Debian 10?

This tutorial will help you install Icinga2 on Debian 10. We will also contribute to install Icingaweb to better visualize the monitoring. Icinga is an...

How to install NTopng on Debian 10?

Analyzing data for information can be a cumbersome task on a computer network. However, it can be easier if we have the necessary tools...

How to enable and disable PING ICMP in Windows 10 Firewall

Hello! This time I'm going to talk to you about security in Windows 10. It is well known that the system offers multiple layers...

Linux Nmap network scanning tool installation and use

This paper introduces the installation and use of the Nmap network scanning tool under centos. NMAP is a popular network scanning and sniffing tools is...

Use the ss to display more socket connection information in Linux

Ss is an abbreviation for Socket Statistics. As the name suggests, the ss command can be used to get socket statistics, which can display...

Monitor Network with netstat command in Linux

netstat (network statistics) is a command-line network tool that displays network connections for Transmission Control Protocol (both incoming and outgoing). It is also monitor...

How to set a static IP address on CentOS 8/ RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8

The entire ecosystem of the Red Hat Linux Enterprise family is used extensively on servers. Whether enterprise, small, or medium, RHEL-based distributions copy that...

Install and configure DRBD on Debian 10

Replicating partitions is a great way to back up data in real-time. This is one of the most useful operations we can do as...

How to set a static IP address on Debian 10 Buster?

In this opportunity, I will show you how to define a static IP address in Debian 10. With that, you will be able to...

Using Wireshark to analyze your network device

I was just telling you about Wireshark. Using Wireshark it is not complicated. This great open source tool for monitoring, analyzing packets sent and...

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