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Backup and restore databases in PostgreSQL

Hello, friends. Many of our posts are focused on servers and databases and it is very important to know how to backup and restore...

Change the storage engine on MariaDB / MySQL

This very short post deals with how to change the storage engine on MariaDB / MySQL. We will apply this to a specific table...

How to install SQLite on OpenSUSE 15.2 / 15.1?

There are many good database management systems, but they are not all the same. And the fact that they are not, means that we...

How to install LAMP on OpenSUSE 15.2 / 15.1?

It is increasingly common to find small companies that decide to use the SUSE ecosystem for their servers. It's an unsurprising decision because OpenSUSE...

How to install SQLite on Ubuntu 20.04 / 18.04?

There is a wide variety of database managers today. Of all of them, MySQL continues to be the most prominent within open source. On...

Install PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04

For developers, the application database is important. And many projects use MySQL or MariaDB to meet this need. In this sense, an application that...

How to install LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04?

A new version of Ubuntu has been released. So many people take advantage of this update to do a zero installation on their systems....

Install PostgreSQL on FreeBSD 12

To develop great applications you need a great database manager. So, that is why in this post I will teach you how to install...

How to install MariaDB on FreeBSD 12?

They say behind a great application is a great database manager. This applies to applications designed to solve a major problem within an organization...

How to install SQLite on FreeBSD 12?

When we think of database relationships, MySQL and PostgreSQL come to mind. However, other programs offer different solutions for the same requirement. So in...

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