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How to install CouchDB on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Apache CouchDB on Ubuntu 20.04. It will be easy to follow step by...

Apache CouchDB 3.0 available

In this post, we will explain in detail the new features of Apache CouchDB 3.0. A new version of this fabulous document-oriented database manager has...

How to install Apache CouchDB on CentOS 8?

In this post, I will show you how to install CouchDB on CentOS 8. CouchDB is a database manager for the web. It takes care...

How to install Apache CouchDB on Debian 10?

Debian is very known to be a robust system. Not in vain is the basis of many other Linux distributions and many subsystems. So...

How to install CouchDB on Debian 9?

Debian is very known to be a robust system. Not in vain is the basis of many other Linux distributions and many subsystems. So...

How to install Apache CouchDB on Ubuntu 18.04?

The NoSQL database concept is very fashionable. So much so that we talk about it here. Its speed and design make it perfect for...

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