Hi, how are you? Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. In fact, more and more people are using it for their daily tasks. For example, to organize daily tasks an elementary function is the alarm. Similarly, timers, stopwatches and so on. For these types of functions, most users rely on mobile devices. However, perhaps you didn’t know that Windows 10 provides this functionality. So in this post, we will see how to set alarm, clock, timer, stopwatch in Windows 10
How to use and configure the alarm in Windows 10
In the first place, press the Win+Q combination to open the search bar. Once there, type Clock to open the clock and alarm controller.

A box with the default alarm will immediately be displayed. Or one that you’ve done before. Additionally, there is a plus sign in the lower right corner of the window. Press there, to add a new alarm.

First set the time of the alarm. You can also save several alarms. It is also possible to assign a repeat.

Then set the name of the alarm. This function is very interesting to establish different alarms according to your needs.

You can then choose the sound of the alarm. Think carefully about the sound to choose since it is the first thing you will hear when you wake up.

The other option to configure is the snooze time of the alarm. By default it comes in 10 minutes. However, you can customize it to your liking.

When all the preparations are done, press the save sign in the lower right corner of the window.

How to activate the international clock
You probably have some family or friends in another country. In those cases, you might want to know what time it is. Well, from the same clock configuration, it is possible to add an international clock. With this intention, click on the International Clock tab. Then press the plus sign and add the location you want to add.

Once the location is added, you can see the new city. In addition, the comparison between the different time zones is shown.

How to set a timer in Windows 10.
It is also possible to program a timer with a countdown. With this in mind, just click on the Timer tab. You will then see the default time. To change it, just press the + sign to set the timer.

Then set the new time range for the timer.

Next, you’ll see the two timers set.

How to set the stopwatch in Windows 10
This function is also present in Windows 10. Just click on the Timer tab. The stopwatch will be displayed immediately. By pressing the Play button, the stopwatch will start running.

If you expand the stopwatch, it is possible to set laps or restart it.

Ultimately we have seen how to set alarm, clock, timer, stopwatch in Windows 10. Despite being a function mostly used in mobile devices, it is an interesting option. Since users who spend a lot of time on the computer, they can better organize their time. All right, that’s it for now. Before saying goodbye I invite you to see our post about uninstalling programs via CMD. Bye!