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Automated Tool from Linux Lite Devs – Check for Meltdown and Spectre

In the recent days, the Meltdown and Spectre have been a really hot topic. Major system flaw in almost all the modern processors, in...

How to List and Delete iptables Firewall Rules

In Linux and other Unix-based operating systems, firewall comes pre-installed in the kernel. This firewall is called “iptables”. It’s a rule-based firewall system. Whenever...

Zyklon Using Microsoft Office Vulnerability

Zyklon HTTP malware is a very powerful one in the field. It’s a publicly available, full-featured backdoor malware that can work as a keylogger,...

How to install Fedora on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi, by far, is the most popular SBC (Single Board Computer) in the world. These computers are quite powerful despite their small size...

Top 10 Raspberry Pi Projects 2018

Raspberry Pi is a dynamic microcontroller and is a capable mini-computer that can perform as various electronics projects. Basically, it is low-cost, light-weight &...

Zealot – New Spooky Cryptocurrency Miner

Cryptocurrency is a very valuable currency in the current world. Bitcoin is the perfect example. It only started years ago, but its price has...

Top 10 Linux Distributions on 2018

Linux is one of the mainstream operating systems all over the world. Linux is nothing more than an OS with some unique properties. We...

Install NFS Server and Client in CentOS 7 and Redhat 7

NFS (Network File System) is the popular distributed filesystem protocol. It's better for users to mount remote folders on their local servers. Here, we...

Install LAMP in CentOS 7 and RHEL7

Let's keep it easy. Linux is one of the best OS for building a server. To build a small Linux web server, you need the...

PHP for beginners.

PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job...

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