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Installing a Linux distro (Q4OS 3.8 Centaurus) from Windows 10

Hello, nice to meet you again. This time we will talk to you about a software that some time ago, it was considered incompatible with windows. As a matter of fact, the philosophy behind developing Linux and hence Open Free, sometimes antagonize with the idea of Microsoft developing its software in general. This is not an article to compare Windows with Linux, neither to affirm which one is better than other. For now, all we can say is each one has its advantages and its defects. Correspondingly, if an average window´s user wishes to try a Linux installation, he only could try a fresh installation or maybe give a chance an installation in Virtual Machine. However, these options involve a medium or maybe an advanced user to running it, being difficult to most of the users.

On the other hand, technology move on, the time evolve and things change. For example, now it is possible to use Ubuntu Bash on Windows (please check our article about Visual Studio Code Studio, when we explain how to do it). Additionally, we have reached a point where a Linux installation into Windows 10 is a real possibility and there is the basis of this article.

How to install Q4OS 3.8 Centaurus from Windows 10

In the first place, we need to know what is Q4OS 3.8 Centaurus, according to its official site it is about a fast and powerful operating system based on the latest technologies while offering a highly productive desktop environment. They focus on security, reliability, long-term stability and conservative integration of verified new features. It is a Debian based distribution offering with Plasma and Trinity as the desktop´s environment. But, the most interesting about it, is that includes windows installation to perform it as a regular executable application. So go for it, download the installer from here, and run it.

Downloading Q4OS Linux installer for Windows
Downloading Q4OS Linux installer for Windows

It is important to realize, that the installer is very intuitive and it will be downloading, extracting and expanding the target image file. Once we double-click on it, a window be appear with installation options, here we can choose drive destination of the installation, installation size, language, username, and password.

Q4OS Centaurus Installer
Q4OS Centaurus Installer
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We select installation options and press Install in order to it begins to download and extracting the necessary files to complete the job. It could take a time, from a minute up to an hour depending on the disk size selected, or connection speed, so we need to be patient.

Downloading files
Downloading files
Extracting files
Extracting files

Once the installation process has finished, close the installer window and restart the computer.

Installation complete, reboot to see the changes
Installation complete, reboot to see the changes

First booting

The first boot takes a little more time than usual, inasmuch as the system is configuring the necessary services to work properly. Besides, the linux operative system will be booting directly to a splash screen where we have to enter the password.

Splash screen on Q4OS
Splash screen on Q4OS

Once we had entered the password, we starting to configure Q4OS as we like, principally with the apps an updates necessary to correct the performing of the system. Then we need to reboot the system, to apply the changes. After this restart, the computer will boot with a grub menu with Windows and Q4OS, and we can choose any of them.

Grub menu with Windows and Q4OS System to boot
Grub menu with Windows and Q4OS System to boot

Well, we already have Windows and Q4OS installed and we can boot any of them. It is important to realize, that the installer allows us to run it directly without having to modify the disk. For this reason, Q4OS offers an alternative to those novice users who want to try Linux without complications. Below we will show you some images of Q4OS already installed.

Q4OS with Plasma Desktop Environment

Q4OS with Plasma Desktop Environment
Q4OS with Plasma Desktop Environment

Exploring files in Q4OS

Exploring files in Q4OS

Exploring files in Q4OS

Now, if we want to uninstall the system we just launch the “q4os-winsetup.exe” installer once again and the Q4OS uninstall wizard starts. The uninstaller removes the Q4OS installation completely, so our computer will be reverted into its original status as before installation. In conclusion, we talk about a great and simple option to explore a free operating system.

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  1. HI! I downloaded Q4OS 3.8 Centaurus and installed it. So far so good. when it rebooted it ran thru it’s initial processing…I’ve done this before, and all has gone well. However, before I got to the splash screen to enter my password, the initial process stopped and prompted me for the user id and the password, which I had not seen before. I entered both and the process continued. Then it prompted me to enter a command – which I presume will launch the splash screen. Newbie to Linux, so unsure what command to enter… TIA for your help…


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