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Install Webmin on CentOS / RHEL 7/6 and Fedora 28/27/26/25

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux-based servers. It’s one of the most popular open source hosting control panels. Webmin is largely based on Perl, running as its own process and web server. It defaults TCP port  is 10000 , and can be configured to use SSL if OpenSSL is installed with additional required Perl Modules. Installing Webmin on CentOS 7, its really an easy solution, just follow my steps bellow.

How to Install Webmin on CentOS / RHEL 7/6 and Fedora 28/27/26/25?

1-Please  Update  your  System :

yum  update -y

2-Install Webmin Manually

From Webmin Download page  you can get the  RPM package. use wget command  to get the  package

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wget https://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.881-1.noarch.rpm

you need  some extra  rpms that you need to install beside that .

 yum -y install perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty

Then  install webmin:

rpm -U webmin-1.881-1.noarch.rpm

3-Install Via webmin repo

name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Then, fetch and install the GPG key which is used to sign the Webmin packages:

# wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
# rpm --import jcameron-key.asc

Finally, install Webmin and all the dependencies using the following command:

# yum install webmin

4-Start Webmin and enable it on system boot

To start Webmin, you can use the following command:

# service webmin start

To enable Webmin on system boot use the following command:

# chkconfig webmin on


Check  if the service is  running

[root@centos7a ~]# service webmin status 
Webmin (pid 2472) is running

and  port 10 000 listening

[root@centos7a ~]# netstat -plunt | grep 10000
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2472/perl 
udp 0 0* 2472/perl 
[root@centos7a ~]#

Allow the webmin  behind a firewall

firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=10000/tcp
firewall-cmd –reload

5-Access Webmin Console

Please  join https://ip:10000

By default, Webmin uses a self-signed SSL certificate so your web browser will warn you that the connection is not secure. You can accept the self-signed SSL certificate and proceed to the log in screen.

you can login with root or with user with sudo wrights

I think the same method should work for Redhat /Feodora 26/27/28  and Oracle Linux .

Please  Enjoy

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  1. For Fedora 29 (as I installed 2019-01-23) you need the following:

    systemctl enable webmin.service
    systemctl start webmin.service

    [root@reindeer yum.repos.d]# systemctl enable webmin.service
    webmin.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install.
    Executing: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable webmin
    [root@reindeer yum.repos.d]# systemctl start webmin.service
    Job for webmin.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
    See “systemctl status webmin.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details.
    [root@reindeer yum.repos.d]#

    The following did not work

    firewall-cmd -permanent -zone=public -add-port=10000/tcp
    firewall-cmd -reload

    [root@reindeer ~]# firewall-cmd -permanent -zone=public -add-port=10000/tcp
    usage: see firewall-cmd man page
    firewall-cmd: error: unrecognized arguments: -permanent -zone=public -add-port=10000/tcp
    [root@reindeer ~]# firewall-cmd -reload
    usage: see firewall-cmd man page
    firewall-cmd: error: unrecognized arguments: -reload

    This is what shows up for netstat:
    [root@reindeer ~]# netstat -plunt | grep 10000
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 22794/perl
    udp 0 0* 22794/perl
    [root@reindeer ~]#

    The following:
    you can login with root or with user with sudo wrights
    Should be:
    you can login with root or with user with sudo rights

    I Hope This Helps


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