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How to install the latest version of MySQL on OpenSuse 15 / 15.1?

MySQL is one of the most popular database relationship managers in the world. Thanks to this program, it is possible to store application data quickly and effectively. It also has the advantage that it is supported by most existing web applications. On the other hand, it is also possible to use it with most of the programming languages like PHP or Python. Therefore, it is always advisable to have the latest version installed. So this post, to learn how to install the latest version of MySQL on OpenSUSE 15 / 15.1.

The MySQL repository

MySQL was acquired by Oracle and this unleashed a hysteria in the open-source community. And with reason, it became difficult for Oracle to focus on MySQL having Oracle its own database manager. However, MySQL has continued to improve little by little and the proof of this is version 8 of the program.

This version has brought a lot of important news and makes MySQL work smoothly and securely. If we add to this a system like OpenSUSE then our data is in good hands.

For it, Oracle puts to our disposition a specialized repository for OpenSUSE that facilitates a lot the process. In this repository, we can install both the server instance and the client.

Install the latest version of MySQL on OpenSUSE 15 /15.1

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The first step is to update the system completely. With it, we will have the last security patches in the system.

~$ sudo zypper up

Then, make sure you have wget installed. If not, you can install it with this command:

:~$ sudo zypper in wget

Now download the RPM package that configures the MySQL repository in OpenSUSE.

:~$ wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql80-community-release-sl15-3.noarch.rpm

1.- Adding the MySQL repository
1.- Adding the MySQL repository

Next, install the package.

:~$ sudo rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-sl15-3.noarch.rpm

Next, import the GPG key for the repository.

:~$ sudo rpm --import /etc/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql

Now, refresh the repository information using zypper.

:~$ sudo zypper refresh

And finally, install MySQL 8 on OpenSUSE 15 / 15.1.

:~# sudo zypper install mysql-community-server

2.- Install MySQL on OpenSUSE
2.- Install MySQL on OpenSUSE

Then, check the installed version.

:~$ mysql --version 
mysql  Ver 8.0.17 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)

And that is it.


In this post, you have learned to install the latest version of MySQL on OpenSUSE. With this, you can have a system ready and ready to store data in this fabulous manager.

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  1. When trying to install mysql, I got this message in opensuse when doing a ‘cnf mysql’: mariadb-client [ path: /usr/bin/mysql, repository: zypp (repo-oss) ]
    Is mysql replaced by this mariadb thing?

  2. Termine de instalar y despues, Cuando escribo

    Me pide una contraseña… Cuál es ?

    Yo no le he ingresado ninguna

    Tengo el escritorio gnome

  3. I’m so pleased I located this page. I’m more pleased that you’ve taken your time to put this together. For me, you made a molehill of the Mountain I was having to climb to get mysql installed. Because you invested time (maybe a headache or two) I can do what I like which is not figuring out why openSUSE does’nt do this.

    You have a pleasant day,
    Peace Mate


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