19 C
Senior Writer and partner

How to install Teamviewer on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hi, folks. This will be a short and very simple post in which you will learn how to install TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04.

TeamViewer provides the facility of remote control for performing different tasks on the remote machine. You can easily manage the remote system and perform different tasks according to your needs.

This application has gradually become one of the best we can find and is widely used for remote assistance cases.

So, let’s start.

Installing TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04

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The TeamViewer development team provides us with a DEB package that we can download to perform the installation.

So, open a terminal and execute the following command:

:~$ wget -c https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.deb

The package is quite light so the download should be completed relatively quickly.

To install the downloaded package I always recommend using gdebi. This installer also allows you to manage dependencies and is quite fast.

If you don’t have it downloaded, just run the following command:

:~$ sudo apt install gdebi

And then, install TeamViewer with the following command:

:~$ sudo gdebi teamviewer_amd64.deb
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
Reading state information… Done
Remote control and meeting solution.
TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access and meeting solutions
to Linux, Windows PCs, Apple PCs and various other platforms,
including Android and iPhone.
TeamViewer is free for personal use.
You can use TeamViewer completely free of charge to access your private
computers or to help your friends with their computer problems.
To buy a license for commercial use, please visit http://www.teamviewer.com
This package contains Free Software components.
For details, see /opt/teamviewer/doc/license_foss.txt
Do you want to install the software package? [y/N]:
1.- Installing Teamviewer on Ubuntu 20.04
1.- Installing Teamviewer on Ubuntu 20.04

In the end, you just have to launch it from the main menu or by executing the following command:

:~$ teamviewer

And you’ll see the terms of license:

2.- Terms of license
2.- Terms of license

Just accept the license agreement and the application will start.

3.- Teamviewer on Ubuntu 20.04
3.- Teamviewer on Ubuntu 20.04

So, TeamViewer is ready for work.


Of the remote assistance applications, Teamviewer is perhaps the most popular and complete there is. Well, we can also enjoy it in Ubuntu 20.04 and today we have taught you how to install it and it is quite easy.

So, share this post and join our Telegram Channel.

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