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How to use the Zypper command?

However, although practically everything can be done in openSUSE in graphic mode, at least for users of the standard or normal desktops. There are a number of commands used in the terminal that is good to know exists. Because it can be very useful and practical in the routine, also, users can find it in some tutorials. As is the case with the Zypper command

On the other hand, for those users who have learned or known Gnu/Linux with Ubuntu or its derivatives. Surely they know the commands “apt-get” or apt.

However, APT is a tool that users will not find in all Gnu/Linux distributions. Others like SUSE or OpenSUSE use a tool called Zypper that helps us install the software that the user wants through the terminal.

The zypper command is a series of commands used in SuSE Linux. For the purpose of installing, updating, removing software, and managing repositories.

How to use the Zypper command

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Zypper is the openSUSE command-line software package manager. Extensive documentation is available on the OpenSUSE page. Also, all commands have to be used as root (su) or as user with root privilege (sudo)

Package installation with Zypper.

To install packages, the user must insert the following command:

zypper install package name

Packet Removal

To remove any packet, insert the following command into the terminal:

zypper rm package name

Installation of security patches.

SUSE Linux and its derivatives have the possibility to install only operating system security patches. To do so, enter the following command:

zypper lp

Package search

To search for packages, the user must type the following command:

zypper se package name

Also, the Zypper command allows to remove or clean the cache locally, for them the user only has to type the following command:

zypper clean

Package Information

Zypper allows the user to view the information of the package they have installed. Such as the date of the update, the version, among others. For them, the user must insert the following command:

zypper info package name


To view the repositories that the user has installed, the following command must be entered:

zypper lr

Also to add a new repository, the user must type the following command:

Zypper addrepo -c “REPOSITORY URL”

Similarly, to delete a repository, just enter the following command:

zypper removerepo REPOSITORY_NAME

Get help from the command.

The following command allows visualizing a general list of zypper commands and global options.

zypper help


The Zypper command is a tool used in terminals that for users who are starting out can be very helpful. Also, this command series is useful in OpenSUSE and its derivatives, which is the OpenSUSE command line package manager.

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