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How to Setup USB Tethering

Greetings, I think we’ve all come across a time, where we wish we could’ve gotten our mobile’s hotspot to work a bit steadier on our laptops without getting disconnected every second. Well guess what, we can use USB tethering, and give an uninterrupted internet connection to the paired device. It is an efficient way to get internet access on your laptop, as it consumes less battery, and is undoubtedly the safest way to do so.

In this technique your mobile phone acts as a modem, and the USB cable as an ethernet cable. We can execute it by using the following steps :

Note : The speed of USB tethering is dependent on the version of USB. The most prevalent version, USB 2.0 is capped at data transfer speed of 480 mbps, whereas USB 3.0 has a maximum bandwith rate of 5 gbps.

How to setup USB tethering

1 : Plugin your mobile with your intended device : Connect both your devices using a USB cable and make sure they are connected properly, and the connection is stable. (Prefer connecting with the USB port with higher transfer rate. You can identify USB 3.0 as it is usually a blue USB port or demarcated with symbols “SS” or “3.0”).

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2 : Open the settings of your phone after ensuring perfect connection between the devices.

3 : Open the “Network and Internet” setting.

Settings menu in an Android mobile

4 : Open the “Hotspot and tethering” section.

Network and Internet Menu

5 : Toggle the USB tethering (to switch it on).

Hotspot and tethering menu
USB tethering option toggled

6 : Wait a while for the connection to estabilish and enjoy constant internet.


If you are still experiencing some issues, you can try out these methods to fix your error :

  1. Check USB connection : Make sure that the USB connection is working fine and isn’t getting interrupted. You can adjust the wires, tighten the connections, or change the cable (if it is defective).
  2. Change USB port : You can try tethering using another USB port. Disconnect the USB cable from the port you are currently using, and instead attach it in some other port and repeat the process again.
  3. Disconnect Wi-fi from your mobile : Disconnect wifi connection from your mobile (if connected). For Android users, swipe down from the top panel to disconnect.
  4. Restart both devices : Disconnect the USB cable, and restart both your mobile and laptop/desktop and try again.
  5. Run Windows Troubleshooter : You can run windows troubleshooter by right clicking on your network access symbol located at the right bottom and resolve your issue.

Wi-fi connections, are also extremely unsafe in public conditions. Hackers can access your interenet activity, whereas in the case of tethering, only a short cable connects both devices. Therefore they have an edge over Wi-fi connections and should be preferred in public places.

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