Hello! Windows has brought great news. In fact, most of them have been very well received by users. However, some have been strongly criticized. For example, the almost mandatory inclusion of OneDrive. It is well known that this is the cloud storage service provided by Microsoft. Which can be very useful. But it is also advisable to have control over the system and its components. In the following lines we will learn how to remove OneDrive from Windows 10.
How to unlink OneDrive from Windows 10.
In past editions of Windows 10, it was very complicated to remove OneDrive from the computer. Well, currently we will offer a couple of options. The first one is to unlink and hide OneDrive. This is a partial solution, since we do not uninstall the app completely. Before I continue, let me clarify something. Unlinking or uninstalling OneDrive does not mean that you lose access to your saved files. Therefore, you just need to log in to Onedrive.com to regain access to the data.

Let’s take a look at the steps:
- Click on the OneDrive icon in the taskbar.
- Please follow the route below: Help & Settings>Settings

- Next, click on the Account tab. Once there click on Unlink this PC and then on Unlink account.

Once the account is unlinked, let’s hide OneDrive. With this in mind, press the Win+E combination to open the file explorer. Once there, right-click on OneDrive. Finally, open Properties.

- Then select the General tab. Now scroll down to Attributes. Please check the Hidden checkbox. This will hide OneDrive from the file explorer.

- Once again click on the OneDrive icon in the taskbar. Then click Help & Settings>Close OneDrive.

This option will remove the OneDrive icon from the taskbar.
Uninstall OneDrive on PC completely
Uninstalling OneDrive in Windows 10 is a very simple and quick process. In fact, it can be uninstalled from Windows Settings or the control panel. With this intention, press the Win+R combination and run the following command:

Once there, scroll down to the bottom until you get OneDrive. Next, right-click and select Uninstall.

Okay, so we have seen how to remove OneDrive from Windows 10. And if it seems too drastic, we have also seen options to hide it. See you soon!