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How to recover deleted messages from WhatsApp

Greetings folks, since a few years ago WhatsApp has included a function to delete messages that have already been sent. A very useful function but sometimes when you want to read those deleted messages written by your family and friends. In this post, we will show you how to recover these deleted messages from WhatsApp.

To recover deleted messages you will need an app called WAMR. This app is capable of reading messages from your notifications and creating a backup of messages based on your notification history. When the app detects that a message has been deleted it will immediately show you a notification.

Besides, this app allows you to recover media files that have been deleted, such as photos, videos, voice notes, audio, animated gifs, and stickers. Also includes a function to download Statuses.

Installing WAMR

To download and install WARM you can do it directly from the Google Play store, following the link below:

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WAMR – Recover deleted messages & status download

First step

Open the app, the app will show you a disclaimer. Then accept The Terms & Conditions and The Privacy Policy.

Second step

The app will request you to select which applications you want to monitor, select the ones you want (the service is only available for some of them)

Select Apps deleted messages
Selecting Apps

Third step

Finally, the app will request you to enable some permissions.
In the first one, you will press the Enable button. After that, you will redirect to the Autostart settings, then you will grant the permissions to WAMR.

Now go back to the permission screen and go to the second permission option and press Enable, then the application will ask you for permission to access the internal storage of your device; you have to press the Allow button.

Again go back to the permission screen press Enable on the third permission option. After that, you will redirect to the Notification access settings, then you will grant the permissions to WAMR.

Final Result

After you finish the initial setup you will see the notification history plus two tabs, one for deleted media and the other one for downloading statuses. And that’s it, you can start enjoying the benefits of this app now.


The WAMR app is an incredible tool that can be useful to us. Now when someone sends you a message that has already been deleted you won’t be left in the dark again. in addition to being able to download statuses without problems. We hope to bring you even more tools to get the maximum benefit from your devices. Thank you for reading.

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