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How to install Plesk Obsidian on Windows Server 2019

Hello! Plesk is the world’s most popular control panel for hosting servers. It is one of the tools most used by programmers and web developers. Its use simplifies development as much as possible. Additionally, in a single control panel professionals can add new users, view all server functions, delete email addresses. In other words, it is an interface through which the administration of a server is carried out in a very simple and intuitive way. On the other hand, through Plesk, you can manage the server from any place where you have an Internet connection. Since it can be accessed from any web browser. Although it is a paid tool, it is possible to get a free trial license. Consequently, it is possible to enjoy its full functionality for two weeks. For that reason, let’s see how to install Plesk on Windows Server 2019.


It is recommended to use a computer with at least Windows Server 2012 installed. Although Windows Server 2008 is still supported, it is not recommended to install here for security reasons. For hardware requirements, your computer must have at least 2GB of RAM and at least 30GB of free hard disk space.

Getting the free trial license

As mentioned above, Plesk is a payment program. However, it can be used for two weeks without limitations with a trial license. Now, obtaining this license is a bit of a tedious process. Here’s how to do it step by step. In the first place, go to the next link.

Download section.
Download section.

Once there, it is necessary to enter a valid email address. Additionally, add a couple of data relative to the user level. It is important to enter a valid email address, as the system will send a link there. Once the system generates a link, it will be sent to the email address. Then click on it to verify the email account.

Confirm email address
Confirm email address
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By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the next page. Immediately a confirmation message will be displayed.

Email effectively confirmed.
Email effectively confirmed.

Next, the system will send another email with the license. In addition, installation instructions are present.

Download the Windows installer

Downloading the Windows installer

The next step is to click on the Windows installer link. Immediately, you will download the file. Once downloaded, just run it. Forthwith, a window will be displayed indicating the server address:

Installer starting the web interface
Installer starting the web interface

Once the web interface is opened, please click on Install or Upgrade Product.

Click on install product.
Click on install product.

In the next window, tick the box corresponding to the program version. Then press continue.

Install Plesk Obsidian
Install Plesk Obsidian

After this, the system connects to the network to download the updated installer. After a few seconds, the available options for the installation are shown. Please run the recommended version and press continue to start the download.

Next, it establishes some parameters related to the installation path of the program. It also sets the administrator password.

Set some parameters of the installation
Set some parameters of the installation

After setting the necessary parameters, the wizard will start downloading and installing the files. According to the characteristics of the server and the speed of the connection, then the process can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

Installing and downloading Plesk components
Installing and downloading Plesk components

Once the installation is complete, just press OK to start configuring the tool.

Plesk installation completed
Plesk installation completed

Running Plesk for the first time

To run Plesk just enter the following address in the browser: localhost:8443. Once there, enter the admin password that you created during the installation.

Plesk initial screen. Enter the administrator password.
Plesk initial screen. Enter the administrator password.

After completing this step it is necessary to enter some data. Such as contact name and email address. Also, create a new password. Finally, select the type of license to run the server. In this case, select the trial license.

Sets the initial parameters of the panel
Sets the initial parameters of the panel

The system then indicates that in order to use the panel, it is necessary to enter the trial license.

Plesk not yet activated
Plesk not yet activated

To exit the previous window please click on Already have a license. Additionally, enter the password that arrived in the mail, in the corresponding box.

Enter the trial license
Enter the trial license

Once the activation code is entered, the panel dashboard will be displayed.

Plesk dashboard
Plesk dashboard


Finally, we have seen how to install Plesk on Windows Server 2019. This control panel makes the use of servers much easier, as there is no need to configure anything at the service level by command line, making its use more accessible. All right, that’s it for now. Please take a look at the post about CakePHP on Windows 10.

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