Hey, what’s up? Today we’re going to talk about install phpMyAdmin on WIndows 10. This is open-source software, designed to handle the administration and management of MySQL databases through a graphical user interface. Through this application, we can create, modify and delete records. It is also possible to import and export tables from the MySQL database. In addition, we can execute MySQL queries, optimize and repair the database and many more tasks. Well, in this post we are going to see how to install phpMyAdmin in Windows 10.
To make use of this tool, the webserver must obviously be configured and running correctly. In like manner, here in osradar.com, I show you how to install and configure the following elements:
- Any web server running and configured. In this case, we will use Apache.
- A database manager. For this purpose, we will use MySql.
- PHP.
Download the latest version of phpMyAdmin.
In the first place, go to the official phpMyAdmin website and download the latest version of the tool from there At the time of writing this post, the version is 5.0.

Then unzip the file and rename it to phpMyAdmin. Then drag this folder to the next path: C:\Apache24\htdocs

Set up some phpMyAdmin files.
To ensure the correct functioning of the tool, it is necessary to make some previous configurations. First, inside the program folder, locate the file config.sample.inc.php. Then, rename it to config.inc.php.

Finally, you have to modify it with your favorite text editor. Please select the next line:
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ''; /* YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FOR COOKIE AUTH! */
Enter a value of your choice, minimum of 32 characters long:
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ''; /* k7b862qwq4ygj8a2hkczmd6spqsnspnkd */

Finally, save the configuration file.
Enable the necessary extensions.
On the other hand, it is necessary to enable the extensions required for the operation of the tool. With this intention, remove the ; at the beginning of the extension, as shown here. With this intention, open the file php.ini located in the php folder.

The extensions to be enabled are the following:

Finally, save the configuration and restart the Apache server. With this in mind, press the Win+R combination and run the services.msc command. Once the list of services is open, locate the Apache HTTP Server, and restart it.

Login to phpMyAdmin
Once you have made your settings, it is time to login to phpMyAdmin. To do so, please open the following address in your web browser: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ Once there, please enter your MySQL username and password:

After entering the credentials, the tool’s Dashboard will be displayed. Additionally, when you scroll down the page, a warning sign appears.

This warning is shown because the tool needs a database to work. In case you have not created it before, it is possible to import it from the same installation folder. With this in mind, please click on the Import menu. Then navigate to the following path: C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpMyAdmin\sql. And from there, select create_tables.sql

Consequently, a database will be created under the name phpmyadmin

Once the database is created, you have to exit the tool by clicking on the door with the small green arrow.

Then, modify the values referred to the user who will manipulate the database. In addition, it enables the database and table storage parameters. To do this, it eliminates the double slashes in front of them. Likewise, in the line corresponding to user control, it adds localhost. Also, it modifies the value controluser and controlpass with the user and the password of MySQL. To graph the process I show you the code before editing it and where you should make the changes.

Below is the appearance of the correctly modified phpMyAdmin configuration file.

Save the configuration and go back to phpMyAdmin. The warning message should have disappeared.

Ultimately, we have seen how to install phpMyAdmin on Windows 10. This tool facilitates the management and administration of MySQL. I hope you enjoyed this post. See you soon!
sometimes in life I think to myself why does it have to be complicated bruh
your tutorial is AWSOME…bless you 🙂
I am getting an error with mysqli, and I can’t seem to find the solution on the web.
The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. See [a@doc/html/faq.html#faqmysql@documentation]our documentation for more information.
Late to the game but in php.ini uncomment
i cant open phpmyadmin page i get” The requested URL was not found on this server”what should i do ?
thanks a lot for the tuto
If you install phpmyadmin as part of XAMPP suite, all of the above (except the blowfish_secret change) is already done for you.