Hello! We usually work with many applications in Windows 10. However, some applications are more delicate than others. For example, native applications. Indeed, these cannot be managed in the traditional way. Since they must be worked with an application called Minimalist GNU for Windows or MinGW. Which in essence is a minimalist development environment for native applications of Windows systems. When installed, the system will have a set of open source programming tools. MinGW can be used to implement or develop native Windows applications. Well, in this post we will see how to install MinGW on Windows 10.
How to download and install MinGW on Windows 10
The first thing you have to do is download the installer from the official link. Then, run it like any other program and click on Install.

In the next screen there are several options. Such as installing the graphical interface, installing for certain users and adding shortcuts. Select as you like and press Continue

Immediately the download of the program will begin.

When the download is complete, the following will appear.

After pressing Continue, the MinGW graphic console will be displayed.

Then click on each item to mark it for installation.

Please repeat the process until all items are marked.

Then click on the menu Installation and then on Apply changes.

Then a confirmation window will appear. Please click on Apply.

Then the download, extraction and installation of the elements will begin.
Adding MinGW to the environment variable
After installing MinGW it is ready to run. However, for convenience it is recommended to add the environment variables. With this intention, open this path in the file browser.

From here on, you just have to follow the steps I give you in this post.
Testing the operation of MinGW.
After the previous steps, it’s time to run MinGW for the first time. With this intention, we will run a CMD with administrator privileges. With this intention, type CMD in the search bar and run it with administrator privileges.

In the terminal we will check the version of MinGW with the following command:
g++ --version

Finally, we have seen how to fully install MinGW on Windows 10 to manage native Windows 10 applications. I hope I have been clear enough. This is all for now. See you later!