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How To Install Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora

Cisco AnyConnect provides you the functionality of VPN and other features enabling the enterprise to secure its endpoints. It’s good idea to secure your system so here you will go through easy steps to easily Install Cisco AnyConnect on your Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora system.

Step 1: Download AnyConnect Client

Login To your Cisco Account to Download your Product.

Use your correct details to sign in to Cisco.

Select Product & proceed to Download.

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Once the file is downloaded, extract the archive by

tar xvf anyconnect-linux64-4.7.01076-predeploy-k9.tar.gz

Step 2: Install Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora

Change directory to created folder.

cd anyconnect-linux64-*/

List the content using ls command

$ ls
dart nvm posture vpn

Now, navigate to vpn directory & run vpn_install.sh script with sudo

sudo ./vpn_install.sh

Agree to the license when prompted

Description of Other Rights and Obligations 
Please refer to the Cisco Systems, Inc. End User License Agreement.
Do you accept the terms in the license agreement? [y/n] y

Installer script will create a systemd service unit file and enable it to start at boot.

You have accepted the license agreement.
Please wait while Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client is being installed…
install systemd
Installing ./vpnagentd.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/vpnagentd.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/vpnagentd.service.
Starting Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Agent…

Step 3: Launch Cisco AnyConnect

For CLI connection, check:

How To Connect To VPN Server with Cisco AnyConnect from Linux Terminal

For Desktop, launch Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from your Desktop.

Input VPN server IP address and hit connect key. Then click on change settings to trust the server.

Uncheck “Block Connections to untrusted servers”.

Uncheck “Block Connections to untrusted servers”.

After changing, your settings should look similar to below:

Connect Anyway

Provide your credentials to login

Now, you are connected to the VPN , confirm connection details by

ip addr
ip route
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