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How to fix blurry screen in Windows 11

Hello! If you are here, you probably have the problem that your Windows 11 computer screen is blurry. Don’t worry, we are going to show you what you can do to try to fix it. The fact of having a blurry screen is something that is not going to let you work with Windows 11, probably with any application that you want to use. It is one of the biggest annoyances that we can have today.

Indeed, if there is something primordial in any computer it is the screen, hardware that must work well at all times. When this is not the case, the experience becomes miserable and does not allow us to freely enjoy everything that our computer offers us. This includes the moments of leisure or when it is necessary to use it for our work. We are going to give you some solutions to try to solve this problem of blurry screen. In addition, we will try that with some of them this failure disappears, and you can take advantage of Windows 11 and its applications.

Change resolution settings

We can solve our problem by changing the resolution and scaling settings. Remember that these components are not the same. Consequently, it may be good to modify them. Often, a screen that has very low resolution can be mistaken for having a blurring problem because the pixels are not adequate. On the other hand, scaling can allow us to increase or decrease what we are seeing on the computer, so that the elements we see on the panel look bigger. Therefore, they appear small and blurry.

  • We must go to the Windows Configuration by pressing the Win + I key.
  • Now that we are by default in System, we go to Display.
  • We press where it puts Display Resolution, and we increase to see if we obtain that everything is seen with better image.
  • Then we do the same with scale, increasing it until we minimize to the maximum the problem that we had.

Enable ClearType

If we see blurry or pixelated text in Windows 11 in particular, we should make sure that ClearType is enabled. This will help in this regard and thus solve this problem. It should certainly be enabled natively in our operating system. However, it may be that it has been deactivated and that is why the texts are not as they should be.

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Let’s see that we do not have any problem in the representation of the fonts. For that, we must perform these steps:

  • We enter the Configuration by pressing Win + I keys.
  • Then we go to Personalization.
  • At this point, we must click on Fonts.
  • Now we click on Related settings options.
  • In the menu that appears, we must click on the option Adjust ClearType text. Then make sure that Enable ClearType is checked in the window that appears.

Enable graphics configuration

Blurring of the screen may occur in a particular application. As a result, we can try to have Windows use the high performance settings to fix the problem. This can be the solution to the blurred image. In fact, we will put all the good work of the computer at our disposal to solve it. To do so, we must do the following:

  • We enter again in Settings as we have done up to now by pressing Win + I.
  • As we are in System we go to Display and then to Graphics.
  • At this point, we must choose the application that is giving us so many problems by looking blurry.
  • Then we click on Options.
  • At this point, we go to Graphics Preferences. If it is marked, Let Windows to decide (high performance). We should mark, since the previous one does not seem to work very well for us, where it puts High Performance and below our Graphics card. In the case that it was marked Energy saving, we should click on Let Windows to decide and try, and then select High Performance if the previous one does not work.
  • Now it only remains to click on Save.

Updating the graphics driver

Having the graphics card driver updated is essential to get everything running smoothly and correctly. If we update, we may have almost immediate solutions. Especially for problems such as poor performance, frequent crashes or rendering problems such as blurry images.

It is clear that today there are three types of graphics drivers that rule over the others. Being the integrated ones from Intel and AMD on the one hand and everything to do with NVIDIA on the other.

Undoubtedly, updated drivers can make a substantial difference with respect to those that have not been updated for some time. Indeed, from time to time, improvements are incorporated that can mean a before and after in the concept of what the graphics card itself is.

This happened when NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Super Smapling appeared, encompassing several of its graphics cards. In addition to the launch of the RTX 4090 and 4080. Recall that this DLSS 3 system could be leveraged by other cards, even if it was not one hundred percent like the RTX 4000 series.


With everything we have told you, the problem of blurring the Windows 11 screen will surely have been solved. It is certainly something really annoying, and cannot be something that happens on a regular basis. The screen, whether in Windows 11 or in any other operating system, is primordial and for this reason it must be taken care of and any type of incident must be solved from the first minute. If the solutions you have read have not helped you, it is best to take your computer to a technical service. We are probably talking about a issue of considerable importance.

If you have managed to solve the problem, you can tell us in our social networks which of all the options is the one that has helped you. In addition to what has been your experience with everything, we have told to fix the blurry screen of your Windows 11. Bye!

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