Hello, how are you? As time goes by, Windows 10 has improved its stability and performance. With the introduction of successive updates, the system has increased its performance. However, it is inevitable that problems arise at the level of users and applications. One of the best options to solve these problems is to enable and use an administrator account. Since having high privileges guarantees to be able to modify the system to solve issues. Having an account with administrator privileges in Windows 10 implies having many benefits such as:
- Total control over the equipment
- Ability to install and uninstall programs
- Change Passwords
- Create and modify users
- Edition of system values, such as registry and files
When we install Windows 10, a local user account is generated associated with a Microsoft account. This account is used to work comfortably with the system, but does not have privileges to deeply modify the system. It also generates a Super Administrator account with high privileges to completely modify the system. For security reasons, this account is hidden by default. However, it is useful to be able to enable and access it. For that reason, let’s see how to create and enable Administrator accounts in Windows 10.
Create an Administrator account using Windows Settings.
It is possible to create the administrator account using Windows Settings. With this intention, please press the Win+I combination. Once there, go to the Accounts section.

Next, in the left column select the option other users. Then select Add someone else to this PC

Please note that this user must be local, i.e. not associated with a Microsoft account. With this in mind please select the option Add a user without a Microsoft account

Now add the Administrator account name and password. In addition, it indicates security questions in case of forgetting the password. Press Next to continue.

As mentioned, the new account is local. What we will do is elevate your privileges to Administrator. To do this, click on the new account and click on change account type.

In the next window please select administrator to change the account privileges. Press OK to continue.

In the next window, you can see how the account type has changed.

Create an Administrator account using Command Prompt.
To create an administrator account using the CMD, you need to run it as an administrator. With this intention, please type CMD in the search bar, and then run as administrator.

To create the user please type the following command in the CMD.
net user (new user) (password) /add
Replace new user with the name of the user you want to add. And replace password with your preferred password. In this case, OsradarAdmin and Newpassword13#

Next, add this user to the group of administrators. To do this, add the following command into the Command Prompt.
net localgroup Administrators Osradar_Admin /add

Add administrator account using the Microsoft Management Console
Administrators can also be added using the Microsoft Management Console. For the purpose of open it, please press the Win+R combination en type lusrmgr.msc. In the displayed console please right click on the user folder and select new user.

In the next window add the credentials of the new user. In addition, enter the password and your preferences. Press Create and Close to finish the process.

Back to the previous window, double click on the Users folder and you will see that the new user has been created. Please right-click on the name and select Properties.

In the following window click on the tab: Member of. And then press add

In the displayed window enter the term Administrators and click on Check names.

Back to the previous window, we can see how the account is already within the group of administrators.

Enabling the super administrator account.
This account is activated from Windows Vista. It is hidden by default for security reasons. This account has many more privileges than the administrator user account. It is similar to the root account in Linux. Enabling this account has the advantage of having total control over the system, in addition to being able to use Command Prompt and Windows Powershell without any restrictions. Since they will be run directly as administrators. To activate it, please open a CMD as an administrator and type this command. remember to replace the password with the password of your choice.
Net user administrator (password) /active:yes

Enabling hidden Administrator account by the Mircosoft Management Console
We can also enable this user in the user management console we previously used. To do this please type lusrmgr.msc in the run box.

Then double click on the administrator account. You can see that it is disabled by default. Please uncheck the box corresponding to Account is disabled. Then double click on the administrator account. You can see that it is disabled by default. Please uncheck the box corresponding to Account is disabled. Click on Apply and then on OK to save the change. This will allow you to enable the administrator account in Windows 10.

Enabling the super administrator account using Local Security Policy.
Another option that Windows offers to enable the hidden Administrator account is to use the Local Security Policy. In order to do so, please type secpol.msc in the run box. Please follow the following path: Security Settings>Local Policies>Security Options. Then select the policy: Accounts: Administrator account status. Double click on it and change its state from disabled to enabled.

Enabling the Administrator account on the Windows 10 startup screen
Since we have successfully enabled the super administrator account, all that remains is to add it to the Windows 10 startup screen. This way we can use it at any startup of the operating system. To do this, you only need to enter the registry editor by typing Regedit in the Run box. Please follow the path below to edit the registration key:
Once there, please click on any blank space to the right and select New / DWORD Value (32 bits).

Add as value name: Administrator

Then close the registry editor and restart the computer, you can see that the Administrator account is available to start the session in Windows. Finally, we have seen multiple ways to enable the Administrator account in Windows 10. Please keep in mind that this gives total control over the system, so I recommend that only you handle it. Now you can make any changes to the system without adding additional account data. This is all for now, before saying goodbye I invite you to review our tutorial on MongoDB in Windows 10.