Hi, how are you? The registry editor is one of the most powerful tools for the management of Windows 10. Indeed, from there it is possible to manage numerous configurations related to the operating system. All the Windows configuration information is managed centrally in a hierarchical database called Registry. Consequently, the registry editor allows you to add and edit values and keys. This way you can prevent access to programs, limit user functions and other actions. On the other hand, there are system improvements and changes that demand changes to the Windows 10 Registry. We must warn that sometimes these changes can generate instability in the system. For that reason, it is always advisable to have a Registry backup. So without further delay, let’s see to backup and restore the registry keys in Windows 10
How to back up Windows 10 Registry key
In the first place, you have to access the Windows registry editor. With this intention press the Win+R combination and run the regedit command.

To back up a specific key, just right-click on it and select Export.

Immediately a window will be displayed where you have to choose the name of the file and where it will be saved.

Restore the registry key backup.
Once the registration key is backed up, it is possible to edit the records contained in it. Consequently, if something goes wrong it is always possible to restore the previous configuration with the backup. With this intention, it is enough to go to the folder where you saved the backup file and double-click on it.

Immediately a warning window will be displayed, please press Yes to restore the registration keys.
How to back up the entire registry in Windows 10
The method detailed above applies to the backup of a specific registration key. However, it is also possible to back up all the registry keys of the operating system. With this in mind, simply collapse all the registration keys and right click on the Computer. Then select Export.

Then name the backup file and choose a folder to save it in.

Restore full backup of the keys.
This backup includes all the registration keys. Consequently, it is possible to edit any value and if there are errors, we can return to the original record. To do this, repeat the previous process and from the save address, please double-click on the file. Please note that to do this action, the registry editor must be closed.

Finally, we have seen how to backup and restore the registry keys in Windows 10. In addition, we detail the procedures to make partial and complete backups of these keys. Consequently, it is possible to manipulate the registry editor without fear of causing serious damage. All right, that’s it for now. Before saying goodbye I invite you to see our post about making Windows 10 start faster. See you soon.