21.8 C
Mel K
LInux Guru and Technical Writer

How to add queues and ring Group Freepbx 16

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) or call queuing provides a way for a FreePBX to queue incoming calls. A queue is a stack or line of calls that need to be answered. When a call is directed into the queue, by default, the calls are answered in a first-in, first-out order. Call queues are useful when you have more callers than people available to answer calls. Callers placed into a queue will hear music or advertising until someone is available to answer their call. The Queues module allows you to create and design queues that allow callers to speak with agents as quickly and painlessly as possible

By default freepbx does not have this functionality and it requires some extra modules to attach below are steps to add modules from github repository, queue Module and ring group need to add to your current freepbx

Queue Module download Please download from below Link zip file.


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Ring Group Module download, Please download from below Link zip file.


Log in to your freePBX web system click on admin and sub menu Module admin as per below Picture

  • Upload the downloaded files above by selecting upload from hard disk then choose file location for module of queue
  • Repeat the step for ring group module
  • Once both module uploaded click on manage local module to verify that modules imported properly
  • Click on application from freepbx interface and click on ring group
  • Add the ring group number eg 200
  • Add group description eg. All IT agents
  • Click on user quick select select the extension you want to add in ring group
  • Click in submit button at the bottom right corner of the page
  • After doing above steps a ring group will be added as per below picture
  • Click on applications and then queues module
  • Click on add queue button
  • Input the queue extension number
  • Enter Queue Name
  • Scroll down to the end of page
  • In fail over Destination select ring group and select 200 All IT agent which we had created above in ring group
  • Click on submit
  • In your free pbx web GUI click on apply config uper right corner
  • Your ring group and queue is setup
  • Now if any one calls then the call will go to queue if not entertained will go for ring group and ring on all extension in ring group

Please See How to install FusionPBX on Ubuntu 18.04

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