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Debian 10.3 available

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Debian 10 Buster is in a fairly good development stage. And it is that recently the version 10.3 of Debian has been published that comes to improve and to correct vulnerabilities. So, Debian 10.3 is available and in this post, we will tell you what this release is about.

Well, after several weeks of work comes the third update of Debian branch 10. As it is expected it does not come loaded with many new features. However, it provides some updated packages, as well as many bug fixes and security patches.

On the other hand, from the same Debian web site we are warned that this is not a new version in itself, but only an update to it. So, do not have to reinstall the whole system.

For example, they have been updated to the last maintenance versions to PostgreSQL 11, Linux 4.19, MariaDB 10.3, Postfix and the desktop environments that Debian has.

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Similarly, many bugs affecting many key packages such as intel-microcode, OpenJDK, qemu, Thunderbird, xen, Firefox and many more have been resolved.

Also, some packages have been removed from the distribution media. Some of them are firetray, koji, and radare2.

How to upgrade to Debian 10.3?

In case you have Debian 10 installed, just upgrade your entire system:

:~$ sudo apt upgrade

So, if you are going to do an installation from scratch, you can go to the Debian website. Then, you can download some of the available ISO images.

So as I told you before it is a version of Debian that improves the existing making it more stable and secure. Also, it is necessary to say that Debian 10 is at a very mature point of development. This makes it a very appealing option for your computer or server.

If you want to know more about Debian 10.3, please read the release notes.

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