Greetings friends! To have your Android device always in optimal condition, it is very useful to have a cleaner app. These are programs specifically designed to check temporary data folders. Delete photos and repeated files, among other activities. In this post, we tell you what are the best cleaning apps for your Android 2023. Since this is a sector in constant evolution. In addition, a brief guide to get the most out of them. From applications with a long history that are still valid today, to new cleaner apps that leave your Android better optimized. The most notable thing about this type of app is that it helps improve the performance and overall speed of the device. They noticeably improve the access and opening of applications and multimedia files, among other things.
The favorite cleaner for computers and laptops also has a version for Android. It works in a very similar way. Requires only pressing a button to advance in the general cleaning of temporary files, browsing history, and call and SMS logs. It also works as a performance manager, showing CPU, RAM, and storage performance, mobile temperature, and battery performance. It is an app designed for occasional users, as those with experience will prefer greater control over what is deleted and preserved.
To optimize your Android device using the classic Ccleaner app follow the steps below:
First step
Download and install the Ccleaner app by following the link below:
Second step
Then open the Ccleaner app and tap the “Get started” button.

Third step
After that, tap the “Start here” button. Next, you must enable 2 permissions that will be of vital importance for the correct functioning of the app.
Start here enable 2 permissions
Fourth step
Next, tap the “Scan for junk” button. Then tap “see results”.
Scan for junk see results
Fifth step
Finally, a menu will be displayed where you can select the junk files that you can delete. Once you have selected them, just tap the “Finish cleaning” button.
junk files Best cleaning apps
Dr. Fone Data Eraser
A complete wizard that automates the cleaning of your Smartphone. In a few clicks, it removes useless files from your phone. It also protects your privacy, with special phone transfer, data erase, and phone manager functions. Its interface is elegant and versatile, but it has a negative point as it consumes quite a lot of battery if left running in the background.
Google Play | Dr. Fone Data Eraser
App Cache Cleaner
This app is much more modest, but it perfectly fulfills the function of other cleaner apps on Android. It is focused on the cache memory of applications, being able to delete files that are stored in each application. You can identify in a few seconds that apps consume memory and set reminders to make a scheduled cleaning. It is easy to use and in one touch does the cleaning, but only works with cache files.
Google Play | App Cache Cleaner
1 Tap Cleaner
Its name is quite descriptive, it is a 1 tap app that cleans the cache, browsing history, and call log. Each of the sections is highlighted for precise and quick control when applying cleanings. The user can schedule customized cleaning intervals, seeking to maintain optimal performance of the mobile at all times. The app is easy to use and completely free but lacks additional functions. It is a one-off assistant to keep certain aspects of the phone clean and without overloading it with unnecessary files.
As you can see throughout this post, we showed you a compilation of the best apps that you can use to clean your Android device this 2023. We recommend that you try them out to see which one best suits your needs. You can also follow the guide on how to use Ccleaner if you want to save time. Thanks for reading us. Goodbye!