Hello! Starting a new school year implies a change of routines. This certainly includes the digital aspect. It is convenient for the user to have several tools to facilitate academic work, such as custom essay writing services, to receive expert assistance with their assignments and essays. Also, establishing certain workflows between different tools can streamline the process further. On the other hand, we tend to spend a lot of time in the web browser. Therefore, it is advisable to provide it with tools through extensions. So let’s see the 6 best Google Chrome extensions for students. Moreover, these tools work with Chromium-based browsers: Google Chrome, MS Edge, Vivaldi, etc. They are also the most used ones.
LaguageTool is much more than a spell checker. In fact, it corrects errors beyond spelling. It also includes grammatical and stylistic problems. In addition, it works in 25 languages. It corrects most of the texts of the websites you visit. Therefore, you can use it to use correct language when submitting reports.

Cite This For Me: Web Citer
Cite This For Me: Web Citer is one of the best tools for web graphic references. With it, you will be able to apply the most popular bibliographic reference style standards. Therefore, you will apply them when quoting the web content you are currently viewing. These standards are APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard. In fact, you just have to click on the toolbar. As a result, it will automatically generate a reference ready to copy and paste. An ideal option for term papers.

The goal of StayFocusd is to increase productivity. It does this by limiting the time you spend on time-wasting websites. With this intention, it sets the maximum time you can spend on these sites. Of course, it is necessary to set up a blacklist and a whitelist. It also allows you to set which days the limitation will work. In addition to when the counter will be reset.

There are always distracting factors. We already talked about websites. However, the sound environment also has an influence. Whether it is too much noise or too much silence. Personally, I enjoy listening to music while studying. However, other people enjoy relaxing sounds. For them, Noisli offers relaxing background sounds. Which allows them to improve their attention. It also includes a timer to synchronize the sound with our study schedule. It even includes a minimalistic text editor to write without distractions.

Hypothesis is an online application that allows you to annotate and highlight text on a web page. It is also possible to annotate a PDF/EPUB document. Such annotations can be shared publicly with other users of the platform. Conversely, you can save them for later access by a private group. Obviously, we will have to register on the platform.

Screencastify is a tool that allows you to capture on video everything that happens on the screen. Also, in a specific browser tab. In the same way, we will be able to accompany it with the comments by the microphone. We can even add an embedded image from the webcam. Finally, we can add text or images to the recorded video. The free version has certain limitations. These are related to the number of videos per month, as well as the duration. However, this version is sufficient for the home user.

Thus we have seen the 6 best Google Chrome extensions for students. Therefore, it only remains to select the best one that suits your needs. See you soon!