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Uninstall any program with IObit Uninstaller

Hello! When using our computer, it is common to install different types of programs and applications that will help us to work every day. When we no longer need them, we can uninstall them to prevent them from taking up space unnecessarily. This can be done either through its own uninstaller or through the tools that Windows incorporates by default. The problem is that different additional files that are still stored are not always eliminated. If we would rather not leave any trace, we can opt for a program like IObit Uninstaller. The most common way to uninstall applications from Windows is by using the Control Panel or the Settings menu. However, the Windows uninstaller is not as effective as it should be. This is more important than we often give it credit for. Indeed, a correct uninstallation of applications directly affects the performance, stability, and operation of the system.

What is IObit Uninstaller

This is an application developed by IObit Inc. to extend the native Windows uninstall method. With it, we will be able to delete programs, toolbars, temporary registry entries and browser plugins. With it, we make sure that when deleting any program, no residue is left on the PC. The application works efficiently in the background and detects everything we install. In this way it stores the changes that are carried out in the Windows registry. Consequently, it can clean them when we want to get rid of the installed program.

Along with them we will be able to delete files that have been stored on the computer. Specifically, residues of previously deleted applications that are difficult to remove.

It should also be noted that we will be able to remove those programs that have been installed as part of software packages. Even those applications that are more rebellious or corrupt than difficult to delete. In short, IObit Uninstaller removes traces of unwanted programs. Therefore, it increases the computer’s performance.

Available versions: Free vs. PRO

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This IObit tool has two versions of its product: a free trial and a paid version, with all the built-in functions. The main differences between the Free and PRO versions are as follows:

  • Free version: with the free version, we will be able to uninstall unwanted programs, remove installed installation packages to save space. It also accurately detects lesser-known software and bundleware. It has support for the removal of web browser notifications. Furthermore, it also uninstalls Windows applications, even on non-administrator accounts. It also scans for existing debris on the PC and monitors system changes during program installation.
  • PRO version: this version adds to the advantages of the Free version, the possibility of removing programs and plugins included. At the same time, it uninstalls the main programs and allows the deletion of programs with uninstallation problems. It also removes malicious and ad-based plugins. In addition, it removes unwanted system program changes. It also removes remnants of other utilities that could not be removed. Furthermore, it allows the installation and uninstallation of Android applications on Windows 11. The license fee is $16.77 per year and is valid for three computers.

At first, we can choose to download the free version and check if it meets our needs. Subsequently, you can determine if you are going to take advantage of the PRO version and all the extras it incorporates.

Download and install

IObit Uninstaller is a program that has two versions available for download. On the one hand, we have a free version that we can download from the developer’s website. This one has more basic options to test the product. For the most demanding users, a Pro version is available to take advantage of all the features of the software. Both are compatible with the Microsoft operating system. This includes from Windows XP to Windows 11.

If you choose the free version, download the iobituninstaller.exe file. The installation process is as simple as any other Windows program. You just have to keep an eye on it. In fact, the program will try to sneak in some bloatware. It’s not a big deal, you just have to reject the installation and that’s it.

Uninstall any program with IOBit Uninstaller

Once we run the program, we see its main interface with a toolbar located on the left side. You can see different categories from where we will be able to carry out all the functions that this program incorporates. The interface is visually attractive.


In this section we are going to find all the software that we have installed in the PC. It also organizes it by categories. Here we will find different subsections. So, we can easily access all the programs. We will also be able to see separately the bundleware and the logged software. Furthermore, those that we have recently installed. Finally, those that are larger and those that we use less frequently. To delete any software, just check its checkbox in the right pane. Finally, click on the recycle garbage can button or click on the Uninstall button.

Software Health

From this section, the first time we use it, we must perform a scan. In this way, the program will detect the state in which the software is. With this, the program will detect the residues of uninstallation that are saved in the equipment. In addition to outdated software and software permissions. It also blocks annoying notifications and advertisements and resolves any problems you may encounter with the uninstallation of any application. Additionally, it allows you to clean up installation files to free up space on the drive. It also deletes any malicious software and browser extensions (PRO version only) for a faster and safer system.

Install monitor

The Install Monitor is responsible for detecting and recording changes in the system. Therefore, it allows you to see the changes that any program may have made during its installation. Here we encounter an automatic Monitor. This is responsible for detecting and registering automatically the programs that are installed. On the other hand, there is a manual monitor. There we must drag and drop the installer of a program to check the changes it makes in the system. In addition, all this information is saved, and we can access it from the Registered Installations button.

Browser extensions

We arrive now to a section from where we can make cleaning of all the extensions that we use in our navigator. In the left column, we will have a submenu with all the browsers that we have installed. So all the add-ons that we can eliminate will appear. In addition, a brief description of these appears. We simply must mark those that no longer interest us and click in the button of Eliminate. Alternatively, you can click on the trash can icon.

Windows Applications

In the last section, we find the Windows applications that we have installed from the Microsoft Store. It does not matter if they are the own of the operating system or of third parties. From here we can mark all those that we no longer use or do not need and be able to eliminate them completely from the system. Right next to each application, it will offer us information about the space it occupies in the disk. This way, we will know the impact that it can have on our storage to keep the software installed.

Ultimately, we have seen how to uninstall any program with IObit Uninstaller. See you!

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