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How To Install WildFly 18.0.1.Final & Connecting to Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 19.04

What is WildFly ? WildFly/JBoss is a Java Server used for the development of Java Projects and provides most of the features and being...

Synchronous data Using rsync Command in Linux

Introduction Rsync, remote synchronize is known as a remote synchronization function of the software, it synchronizes files at the same time, can maintain the original...

Basic use of the firewall on CentOS 8

Let's start with the first thing, what's a firewall? A firewall is a program or hardware device that regulates connections to a computer. This...

How to generate error-free SSL certificates.

Hello! I hope you're all right. In the previous post, we learned how to generate self-signed SSL certificates on Windows Server 2019. Additionally, we...

How to Create a Self Signed Certificates with Windows Server 2019.

Hi. How are you? Let's continue exploring the features of Windows Server 2019. In this opportunity, we will talk about how to create self...

How to create a MariaDB cluster on Debian 10?

We often use MariaDB in our tutorials. In fact, along with PostgreSQL, they are the most powerful relational database management systems out there. At...

How to install Ruby on Rails on Debian 10 Buster?

Ruby is one of those programming languages that may be a little underestimated. However, it is a robust, multipurpose, open-source language that stands out...

How to install and configure Visual Studio Code in Windows 10

Hello, in this opportunity we will talk about Visual Studio Code. As introduction, we need to know that programming is based on instructions; these...

How to install Wagtail on Ubuntu 18.04?

As today almost everything has to do with the Internet and blogs, there are many CMS available. In this post, I will show you...

How to enable sudo on Debian 11/ 10?

Debian 11 has come out of the oven. It is great news for all users of this great Linux distribution. However, it is also...

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