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Microsoft Azure – The Next Generation of Cloud Computing

Since the age of advanced computing, Microsoft has always been on the pinnacle of innovation and excellence. With the introduction of the internet, we’re now able to perform even more with simplicity. Cloud computing has leveraged the limit to semi-limitless. From Microsoft, we’re getting their awesome cloud computing solution – Microsoft Azure. With all the latest technologies, Microsoft Azure has become, possibly, the best cloud computing solution. If you have a data center elsewhere, you might want to migrate it to such a great public cloud platform as Azure.

Self-hosted data centers are hard to maintain and requires a lot of effort. Instead, corporates are more interested in newer, better and more affordable cloud hosts. Big companies like 3M, BMW, and GE etc. have shifted to the Azure solution. You might ask, why Azure? Well, the reasons are pretty self-explanatory.

When it comes to choosing Azure paired regions for cloud services, careful consideration is crucial. These paired regions offered by Azure are designed to enhance data redundancy and enable efficient disaster recovery. These regions are strategically located at a significant distance from each other, ensuring geographic separation and minimizing the risk of simultaneous failures affecting both regions. Azure provides a wide range of options, such as East US and West US, East Asia and Southeast Asia, or Europe North and Europe West, among others. By carefully choosing the right Azure paired regions, you can optimize your cloud infrastructure to meet your organization’s needs while enhancing reliability and resilience.

Interface Familiarity

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Windows is, by far, the most popular OS all over the world. With a familiar interface, it’s much easier to work, especially when it’s a server. All the popular server programming languages like C++, C#, ASP.NET etc. can be run. If you love the open source languages, you can easily integrate them with Azure server.


With the help of Azure, creating new services and advancing existing ones is more than smooth while keeping the performance up. In the case of your traditional data center, it’s pretty challenging to keep up with all the modifications and redesigns, right?

Azure is always flexible for any purpose. Hosting providers, system integrators, ISVs and software devs will always find Azure to be reliable and flexible for them.


It’s one of the major reasons to shift to Azure. Azure not only makes things faster and easier, but also the entire process is a lot cheaper. Instead of physical stations, your data and services are on the cloud on a shared platform, working independently.

Azure also operates in “pay-as-you-use” method. You don’t have to pay for a package – you’ll pay only what resources you use.


Azure provides secured and fast storage solution for scalable and performance-efficient storage services in the cloud. No matter how many customers view or use your service, Microsoft Azure will ensure the best performance out of your web apps.


Security being one of the biggest concerns of modern days, Azure is always 1 step ahead. The .NET Access Control Service supports integrating identities. Moreover, SAML (Security Assertion Makeup Language) tokens are used to verify a user’s right to access.

With all these facilities, it’s really tempting to migrate to Azure, right? However, switching from one platform to Azure might sound difficult and tricky but in reality, it isn’t. The interface is designed to be extremely user-friendly and self-explanatory – you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to migrate.

Azure is increasing its popularity due to its power and cost-effectiveness. When giant companies are making the move, it’s really obvious to make the shift towards a better and improved future. See you on Azure!

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