11 C
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How to install VeraCrypt on Debian 10 / Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 18.04?

Hi, folks. In this post, you will learn how to install VeraCrypt in several Linux distributions like Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04, or Ubuntu 18.04. This is maybe the best tool to encrypt disks on Linux.

VeraCrypt is a free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. This is perhaps the best application for encrypting disks on Linux.

VeraCrypt offers several options for encrypting disks, both hard drives, and external drives. In addition to being open-source which helps usability in any environment and you can examine whether it is secure or not.

Some features are:

  • Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk.
  • Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive.
  • Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication).
  • Encryption is automatic, real-time(on-the-fly) and transparent.
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The application has a very friendly graphical interface but also a CLI which makes it ideal for computers with low resources or even servers. In this post, we will focus on installing the GUI version.

Install VeraCrypt on Debian / Ubuntu

Thanks to the VeraCrypt development team we have a dedicated DEB package series for Debian or Ubuntu. This makes installation very easy.

So, we will use wget to do the download. Make sure you have it installed.

If you are using Debian 10, the command is as follows:

:~$ wget -c https://launchpad.net/veracrypt/trunk/1.24-update7/+download/veracrypt-1.24-Update7-Debian-10-amd64.deb

In the case of using Ubuntu 20.04:

:~$ wget -c https://launchpad.net/veracrypt/trunk/1.24-update7/+download/veracrypt-1.24-Update7-Ubuntu-20.04-amd64.deb

Or Ubuntu 18.04:

:~$ wget -c https://launchpad.net/veracrypt/trunk/1.24-update7/+download/veracrypt-1.24-Update7-Ubuntu-18.04-amd64.deb

Once you have downloaded the package, install it with APT.

:~$ sudo apt install ./ [package]

Remember that the command varies according to the downloaded package.

Then, you can run it from the main menu.

VeraCrypt on Debian / Ubuntu
VeraCrypt on Debian / Ubuntu

So, enjoy it.


VeraCrypt is a very interesting application that allows you to encrypt disks. This can be very important if we have quite sensitive information to protect. Therefore, it is especially useful in business and professional environments.

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