CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is a free web hosting control panel which allows easily manage multiple servers (both Dedicated and VPS) without the need to access server through SSH for every small task that you need to complete. You can host multiple domain free of cost in this web panel. It is very easy to configure and manage.
In this article you will learn how to install CWP on your CentOS server.
CentOS Web Panel Features:
- Apache Web Server.
- PHP Selector.
- MySQL/MariaDB + phpMyAdmin.
- Email – Postfix and Dovecot, mailboxes, RoundCube web interface, SpamAssassin.
- CSF (Config Server Firewall).
- ClamAV Antivirus
- Backup Manager.
- 3rd Party Aplications.
- Easy user management interface.
- Setup Server for Web Hosting.
- DNS Server.
- Live Monitoring.
- File System Lock (means, no more website hacking due to locking of files from changes).
- Server configuration AutoFixer.
- cPanel Account Migration.
- TeamSpeak 3 Manager (Voice streaming).
- Shoutcast Manager (video streaming).
- A Static IP address
- Freshly installed operating system without any configuration changes.
- Minimum RAM for 32-bit 512MB and 64-bit 1GB with 10GB of free space.
Step 1. Configure Hostname
Note: hostname must be differnet from your main domain.(for example, if example.com is a domain on your server, use hostname.example.com as your fully qualified hostname).
You can use the following command for hostname setup eg. osradar.localhost.localdomain
# hostnamectl set-hostname osradar.localhost.localdomain
# hostnamectl

Step 2. Configure Server IP addresses
Here you will make configuration in your network interface file and assign your IP address.
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

Step 3. Update the system
Use following commands to install and update server necessary updates.
# yum -y install wget
# yum -y update
# reboot
Step 4. Installing CWP on CentOS 7
Note: CWP installation can take more than 30 minutes, because it needs to compile apache and php from source.
# cd /usr/local/src
# wget http://centos-webpanel.com/cwp-el7-latest
# sh cwp-el7-latest

After installation a list of credentials will be appeared to access the panel. Make sure to copy or write down the login information. Once done, press “ENTER” for server reboot.

Step 5. Login CWP Admin Control Panel
Onece server reboot, login to your CWP on your web browser using the link provided by the installer on your server
Username: root
Password: your root password

Type username and password to login.

After logging in, it is recommended to make below configuration.
Setup Nameservers
DNS Functions > Edit Nameserver IP
Setup shared IP (must be your public IP address)
CWP settings > Edit Settings > write the shared IP(Normally main IP address already assigned)
Setup at least one hosting package
Go to package >add package > fill in the info and limits of the package
Setup root email
Go to CWP settings > Edit Settings > write the root email for the CWP
For more configuration instructions, please visit given link or comment bewlo.