Hello! Today we will learn how to list the programs installed in Windows 10. Accordingly, we will use Windows Management Instrumentation or WMIC. This tool is available since Windows 2000. Additionally, it provides very complete information about the programs. It allows you to view the version and path of the programs on the PC. However, we can also save and export all this information. So read on to learn how to use this powerful tool.
How to list the programs installed on the system.
WMIC is included in Windows 10. However, this tool is managed from the command prompt. Consequently, it is necessary to invoke it. With this in mind, press the Win+R combination to launch the run box. Once there, type CMD.

Then run the following command.
wmic product get name

It is also possible to obtain more complete information about the program. For example, the name, version, and installation path. Everything is done using a single command:
wmic product get name, version, installlocation

How to save and export the program list.
At the beginning of the post, we told you that it was possible to save and export this list. Let’s see how to do it. First we will save this information in a text file. With this intention, please use the following syntax:
wmic /output: path product get name, version
Check the following example:
wmic /output:E:\osradar.txt product get name, version

It is even possible to save this information in an HTML file. Please use the following syntax.
wmic /output:nameofarchive.htm product get Name, Version /format:htable
For example:
wmic /output:osradar.htm product get Name, Version /format:htable

It is also possible to list the programs of a specific vendor. This time we will use Microsoft. However, you can choose any other:
wmic product where "Vendor like '%Microsoft%'" get Name, Version

Very good! In the last instance, we have seen how to list the installed programs in Windows 10. Despite using the CMD, it is a very user-friendly and easy-to-use tool. Bye!