7 C
Muhammad Nabeel
Network and System Administrator

How to install Sentora on CentOS 7

Sentora is a free and open source web hosting control panel developed for Linux, UNIX and BSD based servers. The Sentora software can turn a domestic or commercial server into a fully managed, easy to use and manage web hosting server. It is licensed under the GPLv3 and is a separately maintained by the ZPanel project. In this guide you will learn that how to install Sentora CP on Centos 7.


  • Fresh minimal installation of Centos 7 without any configuration changes.
  • A static IP address

Step 1. Configure Hostname

Note: hostname must be differnet from your main domain.(for example, if example.com is a domain on your server, use hostname.example.com as your fully qualified hostname).

You can use the following command for hostname setup eg. osradar.localhost.localdomain

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# hostnamectl set-hostname osradar.localhost.localdomain
# hostnamectl


Step 2. Setup Firewall

You must open following ports used by Sentora configurations in firewall so all services will run without any issue.

20 & 21 : FTP
22 SSH
25 (TCP) : SMTP
53 (TCP & UDP) : DNS
80 (TCP & UDP) : HTTP
110 : POP3
143 : IMAP
443 : HTTPS
3306: MySQL

Use below command to add ports in firewall and reload it to apply new changes.

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port={20/tcp,21/tcp,22/tcp,25/tcp,53/tcp,80/tcp,110/tcp,143/tcp,443/tcp,3306/tcp}
# firewall-cmd --reload


Step 3. Installing Sentora

First install wget package using below command

# yum install wget -y

Now download installer and make it executable using below commands

# cd
# wget http://sentora.org/install
# chmod +x install


Start Sentora installation using below command

# ./install

During the installation process you will be asked to choose your geographical area and the time zone. So choose you location, set your time zone and press “Enter” to continue. In my case I will use Asia.


In the next step you will be asked to configure sub-domain, which will be used to access Sentora Panel, Secondly set the public IP of the server.

Here you might get the warning about your DNS configurations if its not properly configured then add records in your DNS manager.

Press “Y” to accept and install Senotra on your choosed subdomain with given IP. Installation can take more than 30 minutes depending on your inernet connection, because it needs to install and activate all required packages for the server.


Once the installation completeion, you will be greeted with sentora login details, copy all login details before restart (A file of login details also placed in /root/passwords.txt). Now press “Y” and ENTER key to restart the server.

Step 4. Login Sentora Control Panel.

Once server boots up, open your web browser and access your Sentora Control panel using the sub-domain or your server’s IP address and type your credentials to login.






Congratulations! you have successfully installed the latest version of Sentora on CentOS 7 server. Now you can manage your multiple domains web hosting free of cost on your own hosting server.

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