Hi! Have you heard of Freenet? If you’re passionate about anonymity on the Internet, maybe you’ve heard of it. Indeed, this project has been running for many years. Additionally, this is a program that allows you to share files, publish and visit websites. In addition, these sites are only accessible when using the program. Therefore, it is an escape route from censorship and political persecution on the Internet. Well, today we will see how to install Freenet on Windows 10.
How to download Freenet?
This is an open source, cross-platform program. It is available for Windows, GNU/Linux and macOS. Therefore, it can be downloaded for free from this link. On the other hand, Windows detects the program as potentially dangerous. However, ignore this warning and move on. Since the app is totally safe. Once the executable has been downloaded, SmartScreen will again warn of the use of the app. Please ignore the warning. It is also noted that large companies are against the free use of the Internet. Beyond these drawbacks, the installation is very simple. Just select the language to be installed and follow the steps. Similarly, the program requires the use of Java. Don’t worry if you don’t have it installed, since the wizard takes care of it.

After a few moments the program will have been installed. You can also launch the app.

First steps with Freenet in Windows
In order to use the app correctly, you must grant access through the firewall. Additionally, you must click on the icon in the task bar. A web browser window will be immediately displayed. For security reasons, a tab will open in incognito mode. Also, it is advisable to use a different browser than the usual one. Well, it’s time to choose your security options. First of all there is the low security option. Which is much more secure than a traditional P2P network. However, it can be tracked. Even so, it is still safe enough to start surfing. Then there’s the option of connecting only to friends. This option is much more secure. However, it involves meeting a lot of friends to make the network useful. It is also possible to set a custom level of security. For the purpose of this post, we will use the low security mode.

The wizard then recommends using it in private mode

Configuring Freenet
It is then time to assign the size of the datastore. The recommended values are between 1 and 20 gigs. A small amount can be detrimental to downloads. On the contrary, a large size improves the network but can slow down the computer. Especially in the first hours after installation. Consequently, it is necessary to find a balance. By default, the wizard assigns an amount. It is recommended to use this value. Please note that datastore works like a giant cache. So it serves to manage files and popular sites.

Next, establish if the internet plan has limits

Next, set the speed of your internet connection. Please note that Freenet will only use half of it.

Finally, you are ready to start surfing freely. On the main page there are many interesting links. Such as site indexes and guides that you can’t miss. You just have to start exploring.

Finally, we have seen how to install Freenet on Windows 10. This type of connection is similar to P2P connections. But the difference is that the posted file is inserted into the network. That is, the node does not need to remain active. Okay, that’s it for now. See you soon!