Greetings friends, today we will show you how to hide folders on Android using an easy method. With this method, you probably won’t need any third-party applications, unless you don’t have a file manager. However, you can easily download a file manager from Google Play in case you need it. Hiding files in this way will serve to improve the privacy of your device but it is also advisable to use a secure folder, if you are interested you can check the following post.
First step
Open your file manager, in case you don’t have a file manager you can try the following alternatives:
Amaze File Manager
Files by Google
Xiaomi File Manager: free and easily
Solid Explorer File Manager

Second step
Then locate the folder or file you want to hide.

Third step
After that, rename the folder by entering a dot at the beginning. For example, if the folder is called “Test”, renaming it to “.Test” . You will notice that Android hides by default any folder or file with a dot in front of it.

Fourth step
In case you want to see the files, you have to enable the “show hidden files” option in your file manager. If you want them to stop being hidden, just delete the dot at the beginning of the file name. And that’s it!

This is a good method if you have files that you do not want to be easily accessible, since the folder or file will be hidden inside the explorer itself. I also recommend you to be careful with the location of the folders since you can forget their location and delete them by accident. Thanks for reading. Bye!