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How to download Windows 11 ISO

Hello! The arrival of Windows 11 is just around the corner. Therefore, the expectation is growing all the time. However, the limitations imposed by Microsoft are a real headache. Consequently, users and developers are looking for ways to get around them. Recently we have the proposal of MediaCreationTool.bat. This is a script that facilitates the download of Windows Images ISO. In addition, the download is done from Microsoft’s own servers. Well, the developers have updated the tool. Therefore, it is now possible to download Windows 11 ISO images. In addition, it allows you to skip compatibility checks. Well, let’s see how to download the Windows 11 ISO.

How to get any ISO of Windows 11

This is an open-source development that can be consulted on GitHub. In addition, in the latest version, the developer has added the ability to download Windows 11 ISOs. It also includes a way to skip system checks. Which determines if Windows 11 can be installed. Therefore, it joins the possibility of downloading the different ISO of Windows 10. In addition, the version includes important improvements. It is now possible to copy the operating system to a USB stick. It is also possible to create an ISO image. Please follow the steps below to get the script. However, please note that you may get a warning from the antivirus.

  • Access the project’s GitHub site from here.
  • Now click on Download Zip. This option is located in the upper right corner of the screen. However, you can download it directly from here.
Downloading MediaCreationTool.bat
Downloading MediaCreationTool.bat
  • Now extract the downloaded ZIP file
  • Next, right-click on the MediaCreationTool.bat file. Now in the context menu, select Run as administrator.
Running the script as administrator
Running the script as administrator
  • Consequently, the script will display all the versions available for download.
  • Please select one from the list.

Configuration options

Likewise, the tool has configuration options.

  • Auto Setup: An option to update directly without prompts. In addition, with intelligent editing and backup switching.
  • Create ISO: for creating iso files directly through the DIR2ISO code snippet. Also includes any oem customization.
  • Create USB: for USB creation via native MCT, including oem ustomizations.
  • Select in MCT. An option for processing without oem modifications.

MediaCreationTool.bat Configuration Options
MediaCreationTool.bat Configuration Options
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In the following image you can see that the Windows 11 ISO is available for download.

Windows 11 ISO image available for download.
Windows 11 ISO image available for download.

But inside the unzipped file, there is a very interesting option. It is a script that skips the requirements verification to download Windows 11. Therefore, we will be able to run the system even if we do not have a TPM chip.

Finally, we have seen how to download the Windows 11 ISO. In addition, we will be able to do it skipping the requirements verification process. See you later!

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