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How to disable Data Execution Prevention in Windows 10.

Hello! Microsoft is aware that one aspect criticized for Windows is security. Indeed, this section is a headache for users. For that reason, it has integrated its own antivirus solution called Windows Defender. Additionally, it incorporates other options to increase the security of the system. For example, Data Execution Prevention (DEP). This technology involves the analysis of memory to prevent attacks within the code. Since these programs attempt to run malicious code in memory locations reserved for Windows. Consequently, DEP monitors the programs and if it detects misuse of memory, then it will close it and notify. However, occasionally this technology can throw up false positives. For example, a version of a program that is not compatible with DEP cannot run in Windows. So, it is important to be able to override this protection. In this post, we will see how to disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows 10.

How to activate or deactivate DEP. Graphic mode.

As mentioned, DEP is a technology aimed at increasing the security of the system. Therefore, it is not recommended disabling it permanently. In fact, some games or programs cannot be executed because of this protection. The reason for this problem is the software is not compatible with this technology. So in this first method, we will disable DEP for a specific program. The first thing you have to do is to enter the Windows File Explorer by pressing the Win+E combination. Once there, right click on This PC and select Properties.

Please enter the PC properties
Please enter the PC properties

Then enter the Advanced System Settings.

Please enter the advanced system settings
Please enter the advanced system settings

A window will immediately pop up. Please click on the Advanced tab. Then select Performance Settings.

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Now another window will open. Please click on the Data Execution Prevention tab. As you can see there are two configuration options. By default, DEP is configured for all Windows programs and services. Additionally, there is the option to exclude programs from DEP. This is the one we are interested in. Please click on it to add a program to the exclusion list.

Please make exceptions to DEP
Please make exceptions to DEP

Finally, look for the route of the program to be excluded. Now press Apply to complete the changes.

Program successfully added to DEP’s exclusion list

How to disable DEP in Windows 10 using CMD

If you are comfortable using the Windows command line, then this method is for you. The first thing you have to do is open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges. With that intention type CMD in the search bar and launch it as administrator.

Launch a CMD with administrator privileges

Then we can activate or deactivate DEP definitively according to the needs. To activate it, execute this command:

bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn

To deactivate it, type the following:

bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff

In the final analysis we have seen how disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows 10. This way you can have better control over aspects of the operating system. All right, that’s it for now, before saying goodbye I invite you to check our post about forcing the dark mode in some browsers. Bye!

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