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How To Configure iSCSI Initiator on CentOS / RHEL 8.

We’ve cover the installation of iSCSI Target on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 in our previous tutorial. In this tutorial we’ll cover the configuration of iSCSI Initiator on CentOS / RHEL 8. So follow these steps to get started.

Step 1: Install iscsi-initiator-utils on CentOS / RHEL 8.

sudo dnf -y install iscsi-initiator-utils

Step 2: Configure Initiator Name

Edit the file /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi/ and name it to match the target server name you’ve used.

sudo vi /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
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Step 3: Configure Credentials

Open the following file to set up credential details.

sudo vi /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf

Note: Use the credentials as you’ve done in setting up target so they match.

Uncomment "node.session.auth.authmethod=CHAP"
Uncomment "node.session.auth.username" and set username as "Initiator01"
Uncomment "node.session.auth.password" and set it as you've setup in previous setup.

Step 4: Testing iSCSI Target discovery

Run the following command to confirm that iSCSI can discover our installed iSCSI Target.

iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p

Note: Use your iSCSI target server IP.

If the IP info and access details is displayed we can say the discovery is successful.

Step 5: Confirm Target’s status

Run the given command to check the status.

iscsiadm -m node -o show
# BEGIN RECORD  node.name = iqn.2019-11.osradar.com:target01  node.tpgt = 1  node.startup = automatic  node.leading_login = No  iface.hwaddress =   iface.ipaddress =   iface.iscsi_ifacename = default  iface.net_ifacename =   iface.gateway =   iface.subnet_mask =   iface.transport_name = tcp  iface.initiatorname =   iface.state =   iface.vlan_id = 0  iface.vlan_priority = 0  iface.vlan_state =   iface.iface_num = 0  iface.mtu = 0  

Step 6: Access iSCSI Target on CentOS / RHEL 8

Login to your account by typing this command , you will see a success message at the end.

iscsiadm -m node --login
Logging in to iface: default, target: iqn.2019-11.osradar.com:target01, portal:,3260 Login to [iface: default, target: , portal:,3260] 
iqn.2019-11.osradar.com:target01 successful.

Make sure you’re logged into your iSCSI Target Server.

iscsiadm -m session -o show
tcp: [1],1 iqn.2019-11.osradar.com:target01 (non-flash)

Check disks if you’ve added Target’s disk

We’ve created backstore of 5GB space in our previous tutorial.


Format & mount the new disk to make it ready for use.

In this tutorial we’ll use fdisk to set up LVM type. You are free to use your desired one.

fdisk /dev/sdb

Confirm the new partition number.


Look at the new partition , we have sdb1 as seen below. Now, add a file system on the new partition.

 NAME            MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT  fd0               2:0    1    4K  0 disk  sda               8:0    0   20G  0 disk  ├─sda1            8:1    0  953M  0 part /boot  └─sda2            8:2    0 19.1G  0 part    ├─centos-root 253:0    0    6G  0 lvm  /    ├─centos-swap 253:1    0  956M  0 lvm  [SWAP]    ├─centos-home 253:2    0  7.5G  0 lvm  /home    └─centos-var  253:3    0  4.7G  0 lvm  /var  sdb               8:16   0    5G  0 disk  └─sdb1            8:17   0    5G  0 part ##sdb1 Added  sr0              11:0    1 1024M  0 rom 

Set file system on the partition

Here, we’ll use xfs. You can use any (ext3,ext4,Btrfs etc) to fit your case.

mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1

Mount your partition and confirm

mount /dev/sdb1/mnt
df -TH

Congratulations! You’ve all done. If have any queries regarding this tutorial, you can ask in comments.

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