18.5 C

How to change startup programs windows 10

Hello! You have probably heard of programs that start automatically with Windows. Indeed, it is a feature that can be very useful. It allows you to access programs without having to launch them. They start automatically at system startup. However, they can also be responsible for slowing down computer startups. So today we will learn how to change the Windows 10 startup programs.

Modifying Windows startup behavior.

Let’s see how to add and remove startup programs in Windows 10. Some programs adopt this behavior when they are installed. However, we can change this situation. To do this, it is necessary to go to the Windows task manager. With this in mind, press the combination Control+Shift+Esc. Once there, click on the Startup tab. Once there, we will see a list of the programs that start with Windows. Additionally, in the Status column you can verify if it is enabled or not to start. Finally, in the Startup Impact column, you can verify the level of impact on the system startup.

Programs on Windows startup
Programs on Windows startup

From here you can change the behavior of Windows startup programs. In fact, just right-click on the program. Then, you only have to enable or disable it according to your taste.

Adding or removing Windows startup programs from the system folder.

Windows dedicates a folder for programs that are loaded at startup. So we can edit the contents of such a folder. However, its location is not well known to users. In fact, there are two folders in total. One for the startup programs associated with the particular user. And another one for the programs that start for all users. These folders are:

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C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Alternatively, you can access these directories by executing these commands:

shell:common startup

Remember to press the Win+R combination to run either command:

Then, just create a desktop shortcut to the program executable. Then copy that shortcut to the folder above.

Adding a program to the startup programs folder.
Adding a program to the startup programs folder.

Changing startup programs from Windows Settings

We can also change the Windows startup programs from the system settings. With this in mind, press the Win+I combination. Once there, click on Apps.

Windows Settings>Apps
Windows Settings>Apps

Next, in the left column, please click on Startup.As a result, the list of programs that start at system startup will be displayed. Finally, just disable or enable the switch depending on whether you want them to start or not.

Ultimately we have seen how to change the Windows 10 startup programs, so you can include the one you want. Or simply increase the speed of system startup. Bye!

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