Today i was confronted with this issue on my lab Server. let me explain to you how i have fixed it. First this solution was on my Redhat/Cents 7.8 Server
Erros Dumps :
#yum update

This Package is expecting /etc/init.d as a Symlink but in my case was a full directory
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How tot fix that ?
move /etc/init.d to other directry en keep is as backup in case of issues.
#mv /etc/init.d /root
Run the update or the yum install again

Now it looks fine
Check if the init.d back now as Symlink
#ls -altr /etc/init.d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jul 16 11:10 /etc/init.d -> rc.d/init.d
Voilà . Your system is now fixed and ready for the next updates.
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