Hello! From time to time we get ourselves with really cool apps. This time we will talk about Etherpad. He is a web editor based on real time collaboration. It allows several authors to edit a text document simultaneously. In addition, it displays all participants in the edits in real time. In addition to the ability to display each author’s text in a different color. Another attraction is a chat window in the sidebar to allow direct communication. Similarly, the goal of this app is simplicity. Well, today I introduce you to Etherpad, a great open source collaborative editor.
Downloading and installing Etherpad
The first thing you have to do is download the latest version for Windows from this link. Etherpad is a free open source project. So you won’t pay anything for the download. The file is compressed, so after downloading it, please unzip it at any location. Please note that Etherpad requires Node.js. Don’t worry, here I show you a tutorial to download and configure it. On the other hand, the download also includes its preconfigured node.js version. So first run the node.exe file. Then please run the start.bat file.

A window with a running CMD is immediately displayed.

The next step is to open the following address in a web browser: http://localhost:9001/

First steps with Etherpad
To use it, just create a pad and share a link. Then you are ready to start working together with other people. Etherpad allows collaborative editing of documents in real time. Consequently, it is possible to export to many formats. Additionally, you can expand its possibilities through plugins created by the community. As mentioned, user collaboration is very important. Moreover, this collaboration is not reduced to the writing of the participants. In fact, there is communication by chat. And it is even possible to establish video calls for more direct contact.
The installation process can be done on our system or server, as we did in this example. On the other hand, you can also use one of the public instances available in this list. Once there, all you have to do is enter a name for the document or open it directly. A blank sheet of paper will then appear, ready to collect the contents.

The interface is similar to that of any other text editor. However, in the upper right corner are the most important options. For example, the export of the document and the options for sharing it with collaborators. In addition, in the lower right corner are the chat controls. In short, Etherpad is a great open source collaborative editor. From now on, you only have to explore the functions of the app. In the GitHub repository, you will get very useful information. Bye!