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Eric a fantastic IDE for Python

IDE’s are essential to developers. In principle because these professional editors provide a lot of tools that help the coding process. Many of these options are intended for the debugging of catch or integration of other types of services that make up the coding process. In this sense, it could be said that the choice of the IDE is an important first step before starting the coding process of the application. This is because there are many different features with different approaches to different programming languages. So, in this world in which we live, Python is becoming more and more popular and there is a need for IDE focused on this single language. So, today I am going to tell you about Eric. Eric is a fantastic IDE for Python available for Linux.

Looking for an IDE for Python? Eric, it is the solution

Eric is a full featured Python editor and IDE, written in Python. It is based on the cross-platform Qt UI toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control.

Some of Eric’s main features are as follows:

  • An unlimited number of editors.
  • Configurable window layout.
  • Configurable syntax highlighting.
  • Sourcecode autocompletion.
  • Sourcecode calltips.
  • Advanced project management facilities.

On the other hand, Eric integrates with many different services such as GIT or Mercurial. But it also integrates with Django which is a framework for web programming with Python. So as you can see it is a very versatile IDE for Python. Finally, it is also possible to integrate it with some Code Checkers such as Vulture and PyLint.

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Sounds good, does not it? So let’s install it on Ubuntu or Linux Mint.

Install Eric on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint

Eric has some dependencies that we have to satisfy if we want to install it from its source code. However, we can do it through snap packages. So we do not have to worry about dependencies.

So open a terminal and run the following command:

:~$ sudo apt install snapd

Then, run the next one and wait for the installation to finish.

:~$ sudo snap install eric-ide --classic

1.- Install Eric using Snap
1.- Install Eric using Snap

Now, you can run it from the main menu. And be able to start working!

2.- Eric a nice IDE for Python
2.- Eric a nice IDE for Python


Developing quality applications requires a lot of time and technical knowledge. So applications are needed to help facilitate the process. In this sense, Eric behaves like a great IDE for Python that will be of great help to all lovers of this language.

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