24.8 C

Enjoy Zoom on Linux

In today’s world, communication is one of the most important parts of our everyday life. Without communicating with our family and friends, colleagues or others, we can’t move a step in society. Everything we do involves others in every single step. That’s why without proper communication, things can go haywire pretty easily.

What’s better than communicating with your friends on voice/video? There are a number of dedicated platforms specifically designed for the video chat service. Zoom is such a powerful platform that offers significantly optimized and straight-cut tools for establishing video communication with anyone on the earth.

Zoom is supported on all the major platforms – Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android. Let’s check out on installing Zoom on any Linux distro.

Installing Zoom Client

Zoom offers its Linux client for almost all the major Linux distros you can enjoy. You have to download the related package for your Linux distro and then, install it in your system.

  • Debian/Ubuntu

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Download the latest Zoom DEB package.

Or, download the DEB package using wget –

wget -O Downloads/zoom.deb https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_amd64.deb

Then, run the following command for installing the DEB package –

sudo dpkg -i zoom.deb

sudo apt install -f

  • OpenSUSE

At first, we have to import the GPG key for Zoom.

wget -O Downloads/package-signing-key.pub https://zoom.us/linux/download/pubkey

Import the GPG key –

sudo rpm --import package-signing-key.pub

Now, Get the latest RPM package of Zoom client.

Or, you can also download it using wget.

wget -O Downloads/zoom_openSUSE.rpm https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_openSUSE_x86_64.rpm

Then, install the package with the following command –

sudo zypper install zoom_openSUSE.rpm
  • Fedora

The same as above. At first, we need to import the GPG key first.

wget -O Downloads/package-signing-key.pub https://zoom.us/linux/download/pubkey

sudo rpm --import package-signing-key.pub

Then, grab the latest Zoom RPM package for Fedora. I recommend using the wget method.

wget -O Downloads/zoom_fedora.rpm https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_x86_64.rpm

Install the RPM package –

sudo dnf install zoom_fedora.rpm
  • CentOS/RHEL

CentOS/RHEL uses RPM as the package manager. So, the installation process is same as above.

Set the GPG key –

wget -O Downloads/package-signing-key.pub https://zoom.us/linux/download/pubkey

sudo rpm --import package-signing-key.pub

Then, grab and install the RPM package –

wget -O Downloads/zoom_centos_rhel.rpm https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_x86_64.rpm

sudo yum install zoom_centos_rhel.rpm
  • Arch Linux

Grab the latest TAR.XZ package for Arch Linux.

wget -O Downloads/zoom_arch.tar.xz https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

Install the package on your system –

sudo pacman -U zoom_arch.tar.xz
  • Generic instruction

You can use Zoom without installing the app. Grab the universal package of Zoom client.

wget https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_x86_64.tar.xz

Now, extract the downloaded app on the “/opt” directory.

sudo tar -xf zoom_x86_64.tar.xz -C /opt

Create a symlink of the Zoom client –

sudo ln -s /opt/zoom/zoomlinux /usr/share/zoom

Create a launcher for Zoom –

sudo touch /usr/share/applications/zoom.desktop

Edit the file –

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/zoom.desktop

Enter the following code –

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Zoom Video Conference
Exec=/usr/bin/zoom %U

Using Zoom

Start Zoom from the menu –

Sign in using your credentials –



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