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8 very annoying Windows 10 settings that you should change immediately

Hello! Although Windows 11 has been with us for more than 5 months, the vast majority of users of Microsoft’s operating system are still using Windows 10. Indeed, its stability and good performance are key to retain a large share of customers. However, it must be recognized that it has some really desperate settings. For that reason, today we will see 8 very annoying Windows 10 settings that you should change immediately.

Windows 10 continues to rule.

Windows 11 will be released in October 2021. Since then, Microsoft has been gradually updating the millions of compatible computers. Or, at least, it has attempted to. Even in the year 2022 the most widely used operating system is Windows 10. Indeed, upgrading is a very annoying process for less experienced users. In addition, Windows 10 works like a charm. On the other hand, many feels that Windows 11 is not yet mature. That is to say, it still has details to be polished.

For that reason, if you use Windows 10, it’s worth optimizing your settings to make sure your PC runs as smoothly as possible. There are some Windows 10 settings that we recommend disabling completely. They can certainly slow down your device. Without further ado, let’s get on with it!

Allow downloads from your computer in updates.

One feature that Windows 10 has added is an optimized update delivery system. As a result, we will be able to download updates from other Windows 10 computers over the Internet. That is, not only from Microsoft servers. At first glance this is a favorable configuration as it speeds up the upgrade process. However, it also has a negative component. The problem is that your computer is also used as an update clearinghouse for other Windows 10 users.

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On the other hand, this function is enabled by default. However, let’s see how to disable it. With this in mind, follow the path below: Windows Settings>Update & Security>Delivery Optimization>Allow downloads from other PCs.

Disabling downloading from my PC on update delivery.
Disabling downloading from my PC on update delivery.

Nuisance notifications.

Windows 10 Action Center is a handy hub for all your notifications. In fact, from there we manage applications, reminders, recently installed programs. However, the overload of notifications is really annoying. Therefore, it is advisable to take control of this aspect. With this in mind, follow the route below: Windows Settings>System>Notifications & Actions.

Disabling Windows 10 notifications.
Disabling Windows 10 notifications.

Disable things like Get tips, tricks, and suggestions when using Windows. It is also advisable to disable occasional notifications at logon to highlight news and tips. However, if you want a more radical option, you can disable all notifications altogether.

Ads in the start menu

Microsoft promotes its Windows Store applications. As a result, you are likely to see apps in the Start menu that you have never downloaded. These suggested apps are basically ads. Frankly, this is one of the annoying features of Windows. But don’t worry, there is a way to get rid of them. With this intention, we will go to the following route: Windows Settings>Personalization>Start>Show suggestions occasionally in Start.

Removing the suggestions in the start menu.
Removing the suggestions in the start menu.

Targeted advertisements from third-party applications.

Not only that. In addition, Microsoft also shares this advertising ID profile with third-party apps from the Windows Store, unless you disable this information sharing. Certainly, they are marketing strategies. However, we find it rather intrusive. Let’s see how to deactivate it. What you have to do is go to this path: Windows Settings>Privacy>General>Allow apps to use your advertising ID.

Disallow apps to use our ID for advertising tracking
Disallow apps to use our ID for advertising tracking


Cortana, your adaptive personal assistant in Windows 10, gets, well, pretty personal with the information it collects about you. Part of this information is speech and handwriting patterns and typing history. Kind of creepy, isn’t it? Let’s stop Cortana from knowing so much about us. Once again, let’s go to the next path: Windows Settings>Privacy>Inking & Typing personalization.

Eliminating data collection while typing.
Eliminating data collection while typing.

Applications running in the background

In Windows 10, by default, many applications run in the background, that is, even if you do not have them open. These applications can receive information, send notifications, download and install updates and consume bandwidth and battery. Let’s disable it. The first thing you have to do is to go to the following path: Windows Settings>Privacy>Background apps. Once there, turn off the switch that allows applications to run in the background. Optionally, you can disable applications individually. With this in mind, just go to the app and turn off the switch.

Preventing applications from running in the background.
Preventing applications from running in the background.

Eliminates synchronization

Let’s continue with some very annoying Windows 10 settings that you should change immediately. Windows 10 is all about synchronization. Indeed, all your system settings, themes, passwords, search history are synchronized by default on all devices on which you are logged in. On the other hand, we all want our search history to be synced between our phones and our computers, so here’s how to disable syncing. To disable the synchronization of settings (including themes and passwords), let’s see how to do it: Windows Settings>Accounts>Sync your settings. Once there, you can disable synchronization of all settings, or you can selectively disable specific settings.

Disabling synchronization in Windows 10
Disabling synchronization in Windows 10

Automatic updates

Windows 10 downloads and installs updates automatically, and you cannot turn them off. Frankly, you shouldn’t turn them off. Indeed, an up-to-date operating system is a secure operating system. However, here we are militants of technological independence. So if you want to prevent your computer from automatically downloading and installing Windows 10 updates, then we will see how to do it. Actually, the only option available is to pause and postpone the updates. This way, we can download and install them manually on your schedule. With this in mind, we will do the following. Please go to the following path: Windows Settings>Update & Security>Pause Updates.

Pausing automatic updates in Windows 10

Very well, in this way we have seen some 8 very annoying Windows 10 settings that you should change immediately. Bye

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