Hello! Windows 10 has an overwhelming amount of useful features that hardly any people even know exist. Indeed, it has basic things inherited from older versions of Windows. However, it also includes new features that are introduced with the most recent updates. The interesting thing is that they are rarely mentioned by Microsoft and go under the table. Consequently, today, we will see 6 awesome features of Windows 10 extremely useful.
Quick assistance.
Basically, it is the simplest way to help someone to solve problems in Windows 10. It also allows you to receive help from someone else to solve computer problems. The quick assistance feature allows you to control another user’s computer remotely. In the same way, we can give control to another user to do things with our PC.

The best thing is that you don’t have to install anything additional. There are third-party options such as Team Viewer, but in this case, it is not necessary. Consequently, just search for Quick Assistance from the start menu. The next step is to log in with your account, generate a code and share it with the person you are going to help. In a few moments, two people will be able to share a computer via remote connection. This function is relatively new. Consequently, it is possible that you did not know it was there.
Insert Kaomojis (¬‿¬)
Maybe you already know the keyboard shortcut for inserting emojis in Windows 10. Potentially you already know the keyboard shortcut to insert emojis in Windows 10. If not, learn that it is launched with the combination Win + ; or Win + . (depending on the keyboard language). This floating window with emojis also has other symbols of more recent form: kaomoji.

These are Japanese emojis that create all kinds of expressions and actions with punctuation marks and other symbols. The Windows 10 kaomoji menu is quite extensive. Consequently, you just have to open the emoji menu to easily insert any of them. Moreover, they are even organized by moods.
Securely erase a hard disk without affecting the system.
In Windows 10 it is possible to securely erase your hard drive and have Windows 10 remain intact. This is certainly useful in many scenarios. Mainly, if you are going to sell or give away your computer. Furthermore, if you want to leave it as new to make it work better, without having to format, download and reinstall the operating system manually.

This is done with the Reset this PC option that you get in Windows 10 Settings. Then, just go to Update and Security. Next, under recovery, just click on Reset this PC. When you start the process, Windows will ask you if you want to remove all personnel files, applications, and settings. Note that if you choose this option, all data will be permanently deleted from your computer. Undoubtedly, one of the best features of Windows 10.
Quickly dismiss notifications.
Suppose you stop using the computer for a while. As a result, you may find that when you return you are confronted with a river of notifications. In addition, sometimes you may have to discard them one by one. Suppose you stop using the computer for a while. As a result, you may find that when you return you are confronted with a river of notifications. In addition, sometimes you may have to discard them one by one. However, this process can be a little easier and less tedious. In fact, instead of clicking on the x in each notification box, you simply click on the mouse wheel.
A middle click is enough to dismiss notifications, regardless of what area of the frame you click on.
Get text suggestions and autocorrection
In Windows 10, no matter if you use a touch keyboard or not, it is possible to get text suggestions. It is even possible to activate the autocorrection in the purest style of how our smartphone keyboards do it. To do so, you just need to activate the text suggestions function for the hardware keyboard. Just go to Windows Settings by pressing the Win+I combination. Next, go to Typing. There you should look for the part about Hardware Keyboard and change to Enabled the option Show text suggestions while typing.

Below is the option to automatically correct misspelled words, and also to activate multilingual suggestions if you are one of those who write in more than one language.
Change cursor color and size
Windows 10 has a lot of accessibility options. There is one in particular that I really like. Indeed, this function is very useful and pleasing to the eye. We will be able to change the size and color of the cursor and mouse pointer. If you are one of those who can’t see very well and lose the cursor all the time, this will come in handy. It can also be used to give a different color to the same pointer as always.

Just go to Windows Settings (Win Key + I) and select Ease of access. Then, in the menu on the left, you should click on Mouse Cursor and Text Pointer. There you will find options to change the size and color by several suggested colors. However, you can also choose a custom value. This action is also available for the cursor. Very well, in this way we have seen 6 awesome features of Windows 10 extremely useful. Bye!