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monitoring tools

How to install the Doppler monitoring tool on Debian 10?

There are plenty of monitoring tools on Linux. From the more advanced ones that focus on the business environment to other simpler tools. Some...

How to Setup Icinga 2 Web interface on Centos / RHEL 8.

Prerequisites: Web ServerPHP 5.6.0 and above with cURL, gettext,intl,mbstring,OpenSSL, and XML support.LDAP libray(PHP) or Active Directory Authentication.PHP libraries for MySQL or PostgreSQL Installing PHP...

Linux Nmap network scanning tool installation and use

This paper introduces the installation and use of the Nmap network scanning tool under centos. NMAP is a popular network scanning and sniffing tools is...

Centos7 and 8 uses docker-compose to install zabbix

Build and run a zabbix system through docker's basic operation command, which involves zabbix-server, zabbix-web-Nginx-mysq, and mysql container. Operation up relatively tedious, and every...

How to install Glances on CentOS 7?

We already know that monitoring your server is something basic like sysadmin. But it is not only limited to those professionals in server administration...

How to install Hegemon. A system monitor for Linux.

There are several tools to monitor your Linux system. Some more or less complex, today I will present you a light but powerful tool...

How to install LibreNMS on Debian 9?

This article is intended to teach you how to install LibreNMS on Debian 9. For any system administrator it is essential to monitor the network...

Nagios vs. Cacti

Monitoring (monitoring status of services), along with backup, is probably one of the oldest and most popular tasks for a system administrator. Of course, there...

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