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How to Install ELK Stack on Centos 8?

What is ELK?  ELK is the group of three open source projects in Linux.  Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana respectively. Before going into depth...

Install ElasticSearch via Ansible

The whole idea of this post is obvious. I have already covered the same objective in a standard fashion but this is about perform...

ElasticSearch Alerting

Think about a solution that keeps track incoming documents at Elasticsearch and when certain context appear system itself detect that and letting people aware...

Securing Elasticsearch REST API

Why.? In my one of the previous ELK posts, we discovered the build in REST API that support out of the box in Elasticsearch. It...

Elasticsearch DSL Query Examples

If you have been reading my previous posts of ELK stack, you should now be comfortable on How to setup Elasaticsearch Node. What options do we...

How to install Elasticsearch on CentOS 7?

Linux is a great operating system and many companies rely on it for their business solutions. That is why more and more projects are...

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