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How to Backup VM(s) on VirtualBox

VirtualBox is one of the most widely used software for running virtual machines on lots of systems. Developed by Oracle, VirtualBox is truly a...

Backup/Restore Your Raspberry Pi System

Raspberry Pi is one of the best SBCs (Single Board Computer) in the world. I personally love the Pi system for having such a...

Zenis Ransomware – Deletes Your Backup and Encrypts Files

Ransomware has been the hot topic of security world for quite a few months. This is a type of attack that encrypts a system’s...

Create and Administer Student Networking Projects on Linux

Covering a variety of stages and features, the creation and administration of student network projects on Linux is a multi-stage and engaging activity that...

4 steps to remove malware from your PC

Imagine this scenario: your computer is running slower than usual or the operating system is displaying random errors. It may happen that your web...

Windows 11 Startup: How to Make Any Program Run Automatically

We are going to explain how to make a program start automatically when you turn on your Windows 11 computer. You probably already know...

The forgotten Windows features that can transform your PC

Often, we forget how many features exist on Windows and overlook them. In this post, you will find some forgotten features of Windows 11...

5 Easy Ways to Transfer Files Between PCs

Transfer files between PCs is a task that can arise in several situations. For example, when we buy a new computer, and we want...

Some settings that you should always have enabled on your Android

Greetings friends! The security and optimal functioning of your phone is a priority from the first day you have it. Therefore, it is very...

Ransomware Resilience: Building a Robust Defense Strategy

Ransomware has emerged as a pervasive and financially lucrative threat, targeting individuals, businesses, and organizations worldwide. To safeguard against these malicious attacks, developing a...

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