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Bluetooth Crypto Bug

Bluetooth is one of the most obsolete techs of today’s world, right? Of course, Bluetooth is getting updated but it hardly keeps up with...

Search Files Faster with Fsearch

Searching is one of the most important parts of any works performed in our everyday life. In the case of computers, it’s also important...

Create Your Own Ubuntu with Distroshare Ubuntu Imager

Each and every time you install your Linux in your system, everything starts from the beginning. You have to set up your update server,...

Google PageSpeed Module on Apache and NGINX

In the case of web servers, speed is a really important matter as thousands of visitors visiting the site(s) on the server every single...

TaskBoard Kanban-inspired on Centos7

TaskBoard is a free and open source application  and  is A Kanban-inspired app for keeping track of things that need to get done ....

How to install OCSInvntory on Ubuntu 18.04?

In today's world, organizations are moving at the level of increasingly demanding users. To ensure that companies have the right view of things every...

GitHub Security Alerts for Python Projects

GitHub is one of the largest places where millions of developers collaborate and help each other in making a wonderful world of open-source software....

How to Install PostgreSQL 10 on CentOS/RHEL 7/6 and Fedora 27/28

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational, highly scalable, SQL compliant database management system. PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS)...

How to install Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04?

Ansible is a free software platform to configure and manage computers automatically. In other words, it allows you to automate all the tedious and...

How to install Docker CE on CentOS 7?

Probably if you are one of those who recounts the internet and the world of applications and servers, you have probably heard or read...

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